Look I told you I was a terrible blogger! I sure wasn't lying lolol! Thank you all for your well wishes and congrats with the pregnancy, I really appreciate it :)
Now the baby is a boy, we found that out at the end of November so we have agree on the name of Gabriel. And let me tell you, name picking is hard! And boy is he active! I swear he thinks he is going to be the next Zidane and keeps me awake all night with his kicks and flips :)
I have had three scans so far, 8week, 12week and 22 week. I have only two scans scanned (lolol) so let me see if I can attach them lolol.
Here is the 8 week scan as it is my favorite, it is the shape of the baby although it is only the size of a bean at that time lol! I will post my January pics when we do them:
I hope you all have a very merry Christmas and safe!!! New year!!!