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Sasetka's Guestbook

benjimybabyMay 4, 2008

Hey again, i hav another question: I uploaded load's of hirstyle for women and i can't choose them! All i get is like straight hair when i choose it and it is really annoying!! HELP!! Benjimybaby

civetinjaMay 4, 2008

Uvaga, uvaga !!!\:D Hello , Sasetka! Thank you for signing my guestbook ! Have a great day ! \:\)

KatelysMay 2, 2008

Hi, thank you so much for the congrats\:\) it means a lot to me. i like your creations very much\:P

Yokoshima_JuggaletteMay 1, 2008

\:rah\: WOOT! I love those vintage polka dot bathing suits you made! I have a lot of thicker women in my game, and it's so hard to find cute whole suits. So many skimpy bikinis around, you know? Great job, I appreciate your work!\:wub\:

srgmls23Apr 30, 2008

olá(hi) thanks for all your congrats on my FA promotion,and for sign my G.B....I truly appreciate it. Have a good day Sergio \;\)

_R_i_C_H_Apr 28, 2008

I bookmarked you, love your stuff! \:D

benjimybabyApr 26, 2008

Thank u 4 repiling to me! I hav a queation?: How do u upload pic's?? Benjimybaby. P.S Benji is my baby rabbit by the way! Not me! \:\) \;\) \:D \:cool\: \:wub\:

eline120Apr 25, 2008

Your clothes are wonderful ! Thanks for sharing them with us ^^ Oh, and my father is from Poland too =)

BBKZApr 25, 2008

Witaj Beatko \:\) Dzis w GB\;\) Wlasnie sobie przegladalam przyszle ciuszki i natknelam sie na Twoj zestaw sukienek... Ale pieknie Ci wyszly! Wzrok przykuwa nowy styl przedstawienia zestawu - juz przy strojach kapielowych widzialam ta bardzo udana zmiane. Takie fotki od razu wzrok przykuwaja. Piekna robota \:\) Gratuluje pomyslow \:\) Pozdrawiam! BasieK

ChemistryCourtneyApr 23, 2008

no problem. They look really nice in game. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to your upcoming release as well. I went ahead and bookmarked you for quick reference. \:\)

QaenApr 23, 2008

hi \:\) very thanks for comment on my creation , i am so glad you like it \:wub\: i loved your all stuff too they're wonderful have a great day ..Deniz..

snowangel993Apr 23, 2008

You're very welcome \:D

midland_04Apr 20, 2008

Sasetka, No problem, I know how much go into these. I've played with meshes, and failed terribly. I still want to learn them, but a little too much for me on my own. I do recolors, and sometimes that can be a pain getting the effects I want, so I always try to thank people for their good work. Midland_04

_R_i_C_H_Apr 20, 2008

Wow tnx! Nobody ever replies when i ask where did you get this or that...people find it annoying, i dont \:D tnx for responding so quickly! happy simming to you too \:\)

benjimybabyApr 15, 2008

Hey! I am a big fan!! I love all ur designs soooo cool, a Irish Gal\:\) \:D \:cool\: \:P

HarmoniaApr 11, 2008

hi Sasetka..thanks for lovely comment on my Inspired - Scarf Neck Print Dress \:wub\: i m so glad you like my creations have great weekend - Harmonia

BBKZApr 11, 2008

Hej \:\) Dzieki za tak szybki i pochlebny za razem komentarz do mojej nowej sukni wieczorowej. Ciesze sie, ze trafilam w gust. W pozniejszym czasie wrzuce tam mala poprawke (do tylu sukienki, by nie wygladala jak przod gorsetu). Ciamajda ze mnie. Tekstury mam z TJFormal - niektore musze mocno wycinac, kombinowac, ale wybor sukni jest mega wielki - jest w czym wybierac... Dzieki raz jeszcze za przemile slowa \:\) Pozdrawiam i zycze dalszych udanych prac (wena wrocila? \:\)) B.

VictoriaGraceApr 9, 2008

Hi Sasetka! Thank you, thank you! for the congratulations on my becoming Select Artist, I'm still in shock and very happy! As always, I will do my best! ~Victoria

kibanahnahApr 9, 2008

Hi Sasetka!Thank you so much for welcoming me into the SA family!\:wub\: I'm really proud to join the team and share incredible things, here at TSR! I hope people will still like the creations that i'm more than happy to share!\:D Have a wonderful day! Hugs **Cassandr

BBKZApr 7, 2008

Hej Beatko \:\) Dziekuje za komentarz przy jednym z moich zdjec. Musze przyznac, ze wreszcie usmiechnelo sie do mnie szczescie, hihi. Ten sim w tle (zdjecie z Szarlatanem) wyjechal na swoje pierwsze wakacje, nie obejrzalam sie, a Szarlatan juz przy nim stal i go okradal (choc nie wiem, czy to "szczescie", hihi). Bylo mi to potrzebne do Challenge'a. Uff! Udalo sie. Potem zdobylam simem nieco wakacyjnych wspomnien, juz go wyprowadzam z hotelu, patrze... o kurcze! Szarlatan mataczy i probuje ocyganic przewodnika! Tego sie nie spodziewalam, hihi \;\) Potem tym glownym simem chcialam zdobyc wszystkie wspomnienia wakacyjne (choc w Challenge'u nie bylo to wymagane) - caly weekend gralam, hihi. Pozdrawiam! \:D

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