ScoobySnax (112870)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Charlotte Villa
Published Aug 27, 2013
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (21 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Shorty Delights - Blue
Published Aug 23, 2008
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About Me
I'm ScoobySnax and I love The Sims. I started playing way back when the original Sims first hit our PC's and haven't stopped since. I like all sorts of gaming, drawing, designing and crafting. I like to share my content on my site.
My Latest Updates Show All
Been working on a little something!Written Sep 17, 2013
The start of this month has been mad busy, lots going on at work and at home... shortly, I shall be decorating for real, rather than just virtually. My university course starts in October, so a busy busy year ahead for me. I have been working on a new lot to share, though the process has been painfully slow. It's an inspired house that takes attributes from buddhist temples and Indonesian... ...More
Getting Back into the Swing of Things!Written Aug 26, 2012
It's been a while since I have done anything Sims related :( Although I have had Sims 3 since it was released I haven't had the time to do much with it; a new job since my last post keeps me busier than work ever used to and I made the fatal mistake of switching from a PC and large monitor to a Laptop, making it nigh on impossible to produce anything and causing me no end of frustration... ...More
Next Episode of Stupid Cupid - End of JanWritten Jan 14, 2009
I'm in the process of writing the next episode of "Stupid Cupid"; all things willing, it should be out by the end of this month... a lot of work to do, I've got to build Kingsport Police Dept. from scratch and god only knows where Laura LaValle has dis-appeared to, seems to be a gremlin still living in my game, but I'll flush him out, have no fear! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
eviDec 11, 2013
Wishing you and your loved ones peace,
health, happiness and prosperity
in the coming New Year
PralinesimsSep 01, 2013
Awwww, thank you sooooooo much!!!
PralinesimsAug 31, 2013
~~Hello♥Thank you for the amazing feedback!♥♥♥♥ Have a very beautiful weekend!Big HUGS!!!!~