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ShinoKCR's Guestbook

ZilverwolfNov 28, 2017

Thank you very much for your quick reply. Happy it is not the kitchen because i love that kitchen. I already tried other kitchens and like you said the problem persists. I hope EA is going to fix that bug soon. But like a lot of other bugs that didn't get fixed i'm afraid it is wishfull thinking.

bluzkat1965Nov 28, 2017

Thank you! I just deleted the sofa and loveseat and downloaded them separately into the game. Fingers crossed. \:wub\:

Eleven ParisNov 26, 2017

Hallo ShinoKCR, ich habe eine Bitte. Weiss nicht, ob diese Stelle auf der website korrekt dafür ist? Ich möchte ein Bild von einem Ihrer Räume in der SIMS4-Spielgallerie als Raum hinter einem großen Fenster posten. Als Inspiration sozusagen. Man hätte eine attraktive cc gestaltete Umgebung hinter dem Fenster und kann im eigentlichen Spielraum eine angepasste Situation anbauen, je nach Erweiterungsstand und eigenem Geschmack. Es ist 1 CC Bild von einem Raum, kein DL von vielen Teilen. Angabe der Bildquelle ist selbstverständlich. Kann ich ein Bild von TSR dazu verwenden? In der SIMS4 Spielgallerie hat ARTHY (alterego) ein Bsp aus izoom-de gemacht. Aber spielintern ist besser, klar. M.f.G. ARTHY Make SIMS great again! \:\)

JudyreeNov 18, 2017

Thank you. I used it and everything is working well. \:\) I saw a post from Orangemittens on another site. She is collecting broken items such as counters,park benches, etc. to make the batch fix for those items.

AquarhieneNov 15, 2017

Oh, I really did not write this link ... I'm sorry, thank you so much for writing about this. I'll try to fix it. And from the Clive C Kitchen set I used a Fridge, it can be seen in the sixth screenshot.

AquarhieneNov 15, 2017

Thank you so much!\:\) Why links are wrong? I checked, all the links work fine. And objects from the sets are in the house.

KawaiiPashaNov 11, 2017

Ah no problem for the feedback\:wub\: Love your creations, keep up the good work xox.

AemmaAstryrNov 10, 2017

yvw! You do amazing work!

MychQQQNov 2, 2017

Thank you so much for your lovely comment to my "Beauty & The Beast Castle" \:wub\: Have a wonderful day \:\)

Gothgirlnikki29Oct 24, 2017

Ok,thank you \:\)

soloriyaOct 22, 2017

Thank you so much! \:\)

SherriJSep 27, 2017

They work perfectly! I also should tell you that I appreciate how you create the thumbnails for your creations. I have a LOT of custom content (call me an addict!) and I can always FIND yours, which makes it easy to put rooms of one style together. The artists who make distinctive thumbnails are doing a lot to make themselves useable for players. And now, my large windows can be stylishly dressed \:D

SherriJSep 25, 2017

Oooo I am excited! I spend far too much time staring at windows in my Sims houses and thinking "just not quite right". I blame being old and first having to decorate a house in the 90s, when everything had valances or jabots or scarves \:D Thank you soooo much!

SherriJSep 24, 2017

I adore your creations -- your stuff fills most (possibly all!) my SIMS homes The French Quarter and Art Deco are particular favorites and pieces from those sets show up everywhere. I have a request/question -- your curtains are among my favorites, especially the Shabby Chic set. Is it possible to make a center valence piece so that the curtains can fully dress larger windows (3 and 4 tile, or modular?)

jomsimsSep 23, 2017

Hello my dear Renate and thank you so so much for taking time to coment my bedroom . 10000 hugs.José\:\)\:\)\:\)\:\)\:wub\:

TayKernsSep 18, 2017

Your most welcome!!!

Lulu265Sep 18, 2017

Renate , thank you so much for your comment on Lancaster Dining \:wub\:\:wub\:

Cláudia 07Sep 13, 2017

Hey dear, Renate. Of course, I love your BP dining. Not only this but I love all your fantastic hard work. I'll always support you because you deserve it. Huggles, Claudia. \:wub\: \:wub\:

lillkaSep 13, 2017

Hi Renate \:\) Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my Black and Gold Dress \:wub\:

Cláudia 07Sep 12, 2017

Hey, Renate. Right now I've download Potterybarn and decoration. I really like your fantastic work. And I must admit, that I love old furniture. I'm in love with it. \:D Thank you again for all. Have a gorgeous day. Hugs \:\) \:wub\: \:wub\:

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