Shokobiene (3582640)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (15 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

PosePack ''Catalog Model''
Published Oct 8, 2014
About Me
Hey Guys!
I come from Germany and I love The Sims so much. I create Poses,Clothing,Objects and Buildings.
When you have a Question about me or my Work, so please feel free to ask me.
Bye and have every day a Nice Day!! =)
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SIMcredible!Nov 25, 2014
Hallo, Shokobiene ◠ᴥ◠ Thank you for your lovely comment! We are glad you and your sims enjoy our creations
Wish you have a beautiful day and a happy simming time º◡º
chemyOct 06, 2014
Hi Shoko...Thanks so very much for your most wonderful compliment on Horizons...I'm blushing, but it really made my day!!!! I love your latest submission, 'Sit in Poses' darling and all the poses are fantastic!!
SteveBJun 30, 2014
One of your creations has been featured in today's Weekly Review Video of TSR creations.
You can view it on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel now. Share away... and congratulations!