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Simaddict99's Guestbook

Cruella56Dec 21, 2006

Happy Holiday, to You and Yours! Have a Heart Warming, Prosperous New Year 2007.

msrednotdeadDec 20, 2006

sorry dont know how to edit my comment i meant kitchen

msrednotdeadDec 20, 2006

just discovered your garage doors thankswill go great with my medieval sims

kessoccerstarDec 20, 2006

i love ur downloads! keep it up\:\) happy holidays!

The TDec 17, 2006

I love your savoury foods \:wub\:. Are you plan to made one Thai one such as Tom yum goong ? Tae \;\)

auntekayDec 15, 2006

I agree with everyone, everything you make is PERFECTION! And it seems it's just what I wanted, whether it's a maxis matching set, or something new you thought of. Flowers to Food to cool object sets, I don't think there is anything you can't make. However, what I am MOST THANKFUL for is your tutorial on MasterSlaveTechnique. It took me forever to get up the nerve to try it, but I downloaded a house from here that used the University medieval doorways (Daniel the Lionhearted) and need a single tile one to match the double one. The only way I could have the objects was to use your tutorial! So now I have my single archway and it uses the Maxis textures!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for sharing your knowledge with the rest of us!! Oh dear, I'm slobbering all over everything...sorry...I'll quit! Best Wishes kay

cyproDec 12, 2006

Your foods look so delicious! Great job!!

StorminitesDec 7, 2006

I have just downloaded your new meals and they are fantastic, keep up the excellent work\:D

celinegreen1969Dec 6, 2006

I just wanted to say thank you for all the wonderful food sets! One of my favorite Sims things to do (even back in Sims 1 Hot Date) is to send them out to eat. Your beautiful food makes it that much more fun! Thank you so much! \:wub\: \:rah\:

greensakDec 6, 2006

I must say your food creations are the best, my sims just love them. Keep it up and I will continue to watch for your updates. Thanks alot for all your creations.

rationalparadoxDec 6, 2006

You are fantastic, I love all the work you've done!\:wub\:

disneygirl92Dec 5, 2006

simaddict99 Re.your Reversed/mirrored Maxis Desk on MTS2 this is a great object i noticed you haven't uploald there in a while. so i would like if you made other Reversed Maxis Desk i don't mind if you upload here but i would like if you made them.also i love you objects i have alot of them in my game i use the OFB Mission Match Nursery i most of my houses and i would like to thank you in makeing such great things\:rah\:

civetinjaDec 4, 2006

Thanks for your works! \:\)

ladyvaleriasageDec 1, 2006

\:rah\: your food looks good enough to eat! thanks for the great creations

AshleyBlackNov 30, 2006

Many-many thanks of your fantastic creations \:\) You're very talented with lots of unique ideas. They make my game so interesting. Thanks again. \:\)

grindline33Nov 28, 2006

I have absolutely adored all of your creations. You're one of a handful of artists whose work I specifically look for each time I visit TSR. I especially love your Mission Match objects. The Mission nursery furniture has became my all time favorite nursery set. At least half my Sims with little ones have that furniture. I was wondering if you would ever consider making a Mission style pet bed someday. I realize you have a lot of projects you're focusing on (and have loved adding your amazing foods to my game). And I certainly don't want to be one of those pushy people who is like "I like your stuff. Now make something else!" It's just an addition to my favorite furniture set in the game that I would love to see if time ever permits and you're willing to consider it. If not, I completely understand. Your downloads are already everywhere in my game and add so much to my playing experience. Thank you again!

TheFuzzster11Nov 28, 2006

I really like all your uploads. They are extremely cute and unique \:\) Keep up the good work! \:wub\:

H3wwyNov 24, 2006

SimAddict..... if you didn't exist, someone would have to invent you! you are just awesome... thank you so much for all the garden stuff, my neighborhoods have the best parks now thanks to you! you rock!!!!!!\:wub\:

Mistress UselessNov 23, 2006

Thanks for your Tabby stuffed Kitty set - so adorable!

FrancineNov 23, 2006

Love all your creations!!!!!!!!! Keep doing them, and I'm waiting for the Japanese food, please could you try some sushi and sashimi??? Thanks a lot for all the wonderful things you do.\:wub\:

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