SimonettaC (944424)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (223 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Gothic Roses
Published Feb 5, 2015
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (116 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

TSR Birthday Cake
Published Sep 30, 2009
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About Me
You may use any of my Sims 3 objects, patterns and terrains in any of your lots, screenshots & stories on any Sims site that you wish, as long as you give me credit for what you have used. Please be polite and provide a link back to my original creation. The same applies to my Sims 2 Wallpapers and floors.
You may of course promote any of my builds on any site or blog, as long as you share a link back to the original creation on here. You may not claim it is your build in any way possible.
I am a member of The Sims Resource Artist Alliance. (TSRAA). Regarding TSRAA, please give me credit when using my creations.
Thankyou for respecting my wishes. Happy Simming!
I absolutely love Science, History and the following themes:- Steampunk, Victorian, Gothic and Ancient Civilisations.
Now, enough of my yap! Go ahead & download some of my stuff
I am SimonettaC on the exchange & Simonettac TimelineSims on Facebook. Please feel free to add/contact me
My Latest Updates Show All
Happy Simsmas to all!Written Dec 25, 2014
Well hello!!Written Jul 19, 2013
Ill health is still getting in the way of time that I want to spend Simming. I currently have just been diagnosed with an enlarged Liver. Which is really quite painful for me at the moment. I have had to go on a really strict diet with lots of exercise. Bit of a bummer now the sun is out and I can see people eating Icecreams and such.. Bah!! Oh well... on the plus side... I have ordered a... ...More
Still lurking! Social site links :)Written Aug 04, 2012
I am still lurking here in the background.. I have been asked, who is/what is Timeline Sims? Well, SimonettaC is my personal nickname/Id for me personally and all my regular creations are associated with that name. Timeline Sims is technically still me, but representing something else. I created the name TimelineSims for any creation that is along the theme of anything Historical. For... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
SinastraOct 25, 2022
I know it's 10 years late, but I just wanted to let you know I am okay. I really appreciate that you had left a message to check on me. I honestly don't know why I dropped off TSR, as it's been such a long time, but I truly appreciate your kindness. I hope you are well!
soize71000Aug 26, 2021
Thank you very much for your amazing creations
littlebillAug 06, 2015
For your pattern "Valentine Damask", what color should down-loaders look for?