Tired of 'free sets'!
Yes, it's exactly as you read it! I'm tired of free sets. Well, no, I'm not tired of setting my sets free, I'm tired of seeing just the news about free sets in my blog. So I've decided to talk of something else for once.
That is my Brick Patio series: yes, it's not just a set anymore, it's going to become a series of sets. And it's so strange given the way it's born.
Some time ago I thought that it was nice to have a few items to make a patio; this is used a lot in Italian modern (and not so modern) buildings, so I see that kind of elements a lot in my life. When I had finished the meshes and tested in game, it came to my mind that one could reach the same result using the "invisible" door-arches by Windkeeper and so I was very close to bin them. The only thing that kept me from deleting the files was that I put a great effort in making them join seamlessly with Maxis walls and I thought that maybe someone could be interested in them.
Just when I started getting comments of people saying that door-arches need a tile on both sides, I realized that they couldn't be used the same way as these useless things I had made. I must admit that I felt really silly, as though I had never played the game.
But at the same time I thought that if people (that is you) liked them, maybe I could expand on them. I had withheld a 2-storey column from the first set because it couldn't be used with the same arches: so the most obvious thought was to complete the 2-storey set. And here it is, with the matching arches 2, 3 and 4 tiles wide. (ceiling tiles shown in picture are courtesy of Cyclonesue: go grab them because they're amazing!)
And then our most wonderful forum admin, Tug©, asked me a one tile arch, and no matter how I made it, it never seemed to look right, basically because the column I had made was off-side, to avoid seeing it from inside the walls, and this didn't go well with a small, very curved arch.
So I gave up and made a completely new set of column and arches, exactly as wide as the game walls, that could be place wherever someone wanted them to be without problems. And here's the result. Yes, the optical illusion makes the one-tile arch look strange next to the other, but they are exactly as tall.
All the meshes will use the repository and borrow the texture from the first column, so I won't clutter too much your downloads folder with recolours.
I'm still tweaking the set, but it will be released soon. In the meanwhile you can enjoy the new recolours I've made, and also those made by Hatshepsut. Hagerks2 will also make some recolours of these soon.