The 'easy' staircases
As I said not long ago... more fences, gates and stairs are coming.
This time they match the Altitude Attitude Inc. "step by step" staircase, with an extra: the easy version of the staircase.
I called my staircases "easy" because they're ready to use. Sometimes particular objects need to use the cheat codes (such as moveobjects) to use them; the modular stairs always need to go and edit the script file, for them to appear in the catalogue. Nothing of this is needed for the easy staircases to work.
This doesn't mean that I won't venture in making modular stairs in the future, but there are already so many and so beautiful on TSR that I don't think you feel the need for those at the moment.
I took away the lower wall because I found very annoying that it was always blocking my view to my Sims when I was playing. And since there was more free space under the stairs, I freed one tile to be usable by Sims.
If you want, you can also use moveobjects to place something in the second free tile of the staircase: I didn't make it automatically available because the space was too low and it was ugly to see Sims sink in the staircase while stepping under it.
Now I need to go and click that "Submit" button. I'll be back soon with my next project, even if I'm not sure which it will be.
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