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Strawbz's Blog

Come meet Harriet Holiday

Harriet Holiday is setting out to find adventure and excitement in far of lands - follow her on her new travel blog and find out what she is getting up to.

Happy Easter!

Wishing you all a wonderfull Easter - may your life be filled with light and love during this very special time of the year.



Willington Wold Castle

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and that 2009 will bring you happiness and joy!! Its been a while since I have had the time to update my blog as my life at home has been rather hectic the past 6 months or so but this does not mean that I have not been around. I try to pop into the site for a few minutes every day to read all the lovely comments you leave on my lots and I appreciate every single one of them. Although my building time has been somewhat limited lately I had a few quiet days just before and after Christmas and I have been using this time to work on 2 versions of a new lot named Willington Wold Castle. The first version is Willington Wold Ruins and shows the Castle in a state of disrepair and ruin – this version is furnished for a single sim and is still completely weather proof as all the ‘holes’ in the walls are actually Cylonesue’s amazing windows. Your sim can lead a quiet life among the ruins or work to repair the Castle to its former glory. The second version is the restored Willington Wold Castle – the new owners have rebuild the outside of the Castle and have managed to furnish the inside to be a comfortable home for a small family complete with a teen suite located in the old gatehouse. I hope you will have as much fun with this lot in your game as I had in building it. A huge big special thank you to Cyclonesue for the amazing windows and vines, Dot for the stunning stair-lights (in the restored castle) an Solfal for the bathroom set (in the ruins of the old castle) without your creations this lot would not be possible. Happy siming everyone!! Strawbz

Berry Dale - Still growing strong

Hi everyone, first let me say thankyou to everyone who downloaded my lots or wallpapers this past month I love all your comments and appreciate the support. To those who like my Berry Dale collection here is an update on my own neighborhood - as you can see there are a few new lots including Berrydale Hights, which is already available for download). Berrydale Mews, Toad Hall and Berrydale Wedding Chapel will be available in the next few weeks. Still to come will be the Mayor's House, local gym and some more homes. If you need any specific lots for your Berry Dale neighborhood please drop me a PM and I will add it to my list. Happy simming everyone!

A great big thank you

Thank you very much to everyone who downloaded my houses and have left comments - I will still get back to everyone with a personal thank you in your guestbook but till then please know that I appreciate each and everyone of your comments.

I am working on a few new lots at the moment and should be uploading one very soon.

Thanks again and happy simming to you all :-)

Immigration delays - again!

What a great way to spend my birthday :( we have just found out there has been another delay - I can't believe it the visa officer says that due to the amount of fake documents they get we need to get vault copies of all the documents we need which basically puts us back another 3 to 6 months (!!!!) :( we are all devastated (especially my little guy) - we are not giving up though and will go apply for the vault copies and then try again - its just so frustrating after 6 months to basically have to start all over again because other people are not truthful :mad: anyway I suppose its not the end of the world we will just try again.

Immigration and computer worries

Well after months of planning, stressing and running around we are finally on the final stage of our immigration planning and if there are no more delays should be leaving SA at the end of July.

To keep my site updated I was planning to build a ton of lots and then set them to release slowly over the next few months till such time as we are settled on the other side.

Unfortunately after completing 3 lots (and before saving them!) my computer has died without any warning and since we are leaving soon we have decided not to replace it. Now I am working from my laptop with is great for getting on the net and my work but not really not set up to run the sims2. I am hoping to still be able to get a few lots done on the laptop but they will have to be base game only as that is all I can run on here (although I want to try uni and see if I can get it to work) :-)

Anyway, this is the start of a new adventure for our family and we are all very excite (and stressed at at this point) but I am very glad to know that no matter where in the world I go I will still be able to keep contact with everyone here on TSR.


Derry Dale - Growing all the time

This is Berry Dale in my own game :-)

Welcome to Berry Dale

Welcome to Berry Dale - a new neighborhood where your sims can live out their days. There are already 6 Berry Lane houses available for download and over the next few weeks I will be adding, - Berry Dale Mayor House - Berry Dale Memorial Gardens - Berry Dale Library - Berry Dale Shopping Centre As well as a few more houses, from starters to manors. I hope you enjoy them!

Thank you for your comments

Hi everyone, I know I have been not around much but my kids are on summer holidays here is South Africa and they are keeping me rather busy.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has left a comment on one of my creations, I appreciate each and everyone of them and will get around to thanking you all individually as soon as the kiddies are back at school and I have some time for myself again :-)

Till then let me just say thank you and I hope you have had a great start to the new year.

Latest Headlines

Come meet Harriet Holiday Happy Easter! Willington Wold Castle Berry Dale - Still growing strong A great big thank you Immigration delays - again! Immigration and computer worries Derry Dale - Growing all the time Welcome to Berry Dale Thank you for your comments
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