I'm leaving
This may be rash decision, but I guess that's how it should end anyway. I haven't created anything in months, but I've been working on some object from the beginning of the week, put a lot of effort to it, you know, it's never easy to create even single object, not to talk about whole set. But this is what I like, to feel challenge, but when I started putting materials together to get the object into game, WS came with another glitch of his. And I was like: "Hey, you wasted whole bunch of time and creativity and now you should solve these puzzles? No way!"
That's why I'm leaving. Sims 3 doesn't let me to fully express myself, it has too much restrictions, bugs, boundaries and so on. WS is... WS. It's still too beta even now and not being a very good creation tool for people who are not ready to waste a lot of time fixing problems it causing.
I may not be the greatest creator (and I am not ;)), my meshes are quite simple, I don't work on textures as I should be, so I'm the problem too, and I need to be fixed :). Who knows, maybe The Sims 4 will be more creator-friendly and I will come back to it, but for now... I need some rest. So I can have fun out of creating once again.
P.S. Grammar and spelling (as well as sense) may be a little horrible, because I didn't check it much.
P.P.S. Not like anyone's gonna read that text anyway, lol. ;)