TammyMaree (598436)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Brisbane South Dorm (4 Rooms)
Published Mar 11, 2008
About Me
My name is Tammy, I am married to Tony and have 3 beautiful children: Hailey, Tristan and Kellie. I live in Brisbane, Australia. When I am not playing Sims, I love the movies, needlepoint and Scrapbooking.
My Guestbook Show All
NynaeveDesignNov 04, 2019
Thank you for the kind words, I appreciate it. Happy Simming!
nikademaOct 27, 2019
Hi! I'll test the bathroom again to see why that effect happens
kardofeOct 11, 2019
Hi TammyMaree, sorry I'm late in answering, thank you very much for commenting, when I refer to the interrogation trick, I mean, there is a trick in the game that when you have a selected object you press the open or close interrogation keys and the object grows or shrinks as you wish.