Tankuz (2733425)
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My Latest Sims 3 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

The Sims 3. Modern Kids Rugs 4x4...
Published Jan 25, 2015
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LoctusAngelMar 03, 2022
You are an amazing artist and I have loved your work since Sims 3. I was wondering if there is anywhere I can download your Sims 3 content. The website not working for me
JKananiOct 12, 2021
You're a great artist! I would love to see some of your elven dresses for ts4 here. Keep up the good work!
mahoganywoodMar 02, 2019
Tankuz you are a gifted object maker. I keep running across your objects from blogs, and my tongue has been wagging for your Tea Set, your Starbucks set, and your Dunkin Doughnuts. Is there anyway for me to get these objects for Sims 3? I'm unable to download from your site, because maybe I have to pay for them?