TheMistress666 (1379887)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (502 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Area 51.5
Published Oct 18, 2007
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About Me
Well, Im Mistress, but I also answer to Claire.
After a LONG absence from TSR, im back on the scene - im just sbout to complete my BA Degree in Criminology & Criminal Justice and i (finally) got married recently and got back from my Honeymoon yesterday (30th April 2011)
Great to be back and in an TSR download frenzy before i get cracking on creating stuff myself!
My Latest Updates Show All
It works it works!Written Jul 10, 2011
Firstly i had to buy a new graphics card, which although no problems before, EA support was lacking as it wasnt one listed on their own game specs. after many false startes and uninstalls and reinstalls, they suggested the following: (pasted directly from my email from them) We are going to use a very easy and helpful tool named REVO to make sure that we get The Sims 3 100% off your... ...More
Where am I?Written May 13, 2008
Well, as ive bleeted on in my last few blog entires I have not been playing much lately, I have not been creating, I have not been doing very much other that work sleep and eat really... A promotion at work has been to blame, and frankly i cant be arsed to do anything once i finally get home. That coupled with a complete lack of inspiration of what to create and stuff just not turning out... ...More
Long AbsenceWritten Dec 28, 2007
As some of you poor folks who read this or visit my minisite may have noticed my very sporadic absence of late... Apart from my grandma passing away, Some of you may be aware that I am not the healthiest person going, but recently i have not been well. my OA has been very bad, the medications arent really helping much, and i have been left exhausted by the time i have got home from work. I... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
SIMcredible!Dec 16, 2011
We wish you have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New
Year full of joy, love, health, smiles and peace. Happiness for you and yours
CyclonesueMay 27, 2011
Hi Claire! Congratulations on both getting married and your degree! It's great to see you back too! Thanks for your super comment - made my day! Sue
cashcraftMay 16, 2011
Hello, it's great to hear from you again! Congratulations on your marriage and degree, I just got my BS in Public Administration! Thanks for your wonderful compliment and comment! Welcome back to TSR! Hugs, Carolyn