The spirit (545849)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (39 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Julia Roberts
Published Nov 24, 2009
About Me
I'm 27 and i play the sims since the sims 1. But it's with the sims 3 that I began to create. I would specialised me in the creation of Sims. Celebs, Models, Normal Sims,....
I would tell you that all my creation are made without any program. I use only the create a sim program from Maxis without modification such as Slider hack,....
I just use a replacement eye and another bodyskin because I find that the standard one are not so good. And by my celebs I search a good hairstyle on the web. I linked always the websites on my publications so you don't need to search after them.
I would thank everyone that downloaded my stuff and thanks for the nice feedback and comments. It boost me to make more and more creations. And my motivation become great.And thanks to all the one that bookmarks me. I really appreciate.
Greetings The Spirit
My Latest Updates Show All
Moving outWritten Oct 19, 2009
Hello I just let know that I can't upload new sims last time because I'm moving to another house. And I have no time to create new sims at the moment. I hope I can start soon. Thanks for the dwonloads and nice comment. I'LL be back soon. The SPirit ...More
10.000 downloadsWritten Sep 16, 2009
Today I have reach the 10.000 downloads. I would thank everyone that downloaded my stuff and thanks for the nice feedback and comments. It boost me to make more and more creations. And my motivation become great.And thanks to all the one that bookmarks me. I really appreciate. I would tell you that all my creation are made without any program. I use only the create a sim... ...More
Upcoming characters for The terminator: The Sarah connor chronicles.Written Aug 01, 2009
Hello everyone. It's a few days that I don't have upload new characters from The terminator: the Sarah connor chronicles. And the reason is that whe remove to another house. I have very much work and haven't the time to making new sims. When I have a little bit time I'm working to Leven Rambin as Riley (John Connor's girlfriend). I think that I can upload her this week. Further I have... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
oldmember_l0v3ly_n_pinkDec 31, 2009
I noticed you did some great work with former Star Trek characters and couldn't help but wonder if you were going to do Chris Pine's Kirk and Zachary Quinto's Spock as well? I think your talents wold do them great justice.
LittleMitcheyWebbOct 16, 2009
Yes i rele do know him. I will show him for you and let you know what he says.
AbbieJayOct 02, 2009
Oh your'e welcome! You deserved it, the sim and Mr.Cage have an extreme likeness! Thank you sooo much for signing my guestbook!