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Tigerblue's Blog

The Snapdragon Set...

...will be available for download on Thursday. You can download the lots individually :-)

Right, on to the Georgians...

Snapdragon Slideshows

Here we go - links to slideshows of the two Snapdragon lots:

Simply Snapdragons (OFB lot) is the business lot full of Snapdragons for your Sims to buy and own. Don't sell them all at once! Wait until your Sim has hired someone to make some more or has learned to do so themselves! There are also a few other flowers set on trays in the little garden for Sims who may visit the shop but are not wealthy enough to afford Snapdragons. BTW, the flower-making machine (can't remember its name!) is hidden away around the back of the house, along with a couple more Snapdragons.

And Snapdragon Starter (Home Business) is, as the name suggests, a small starter home business. The shop already has a few daisy bouquets on the shelves and there are four Snapdragons hanging about the house / shop to keep your Sims' moods up, too. This starter also has a small second bedroom so it's suitable for a small starter family.

Both lots should be on the site by the middle of next week. They'll be available as a set or individually :-)

Here's one I made earlier...

RL has been a bit frantic over the last few days and I haven't had chance to finish testing the two Snapdragon lots... so in the meantime, I've submitted a little unfurnished Tudor starter that I uploaded a while ago. It will be on the site tomorrow and the Snapdragon shops will be coming your way soon!

Unfortunately, I can't seem to attach a preview pic to my blog this morning :-( but you can see it on the left hand side of my homepage, listed under "Upcoming"

Back soon!

Slave to the Snapdragon

So where, you ask, did I get all the Snapdragons? They were in fact manufactured by a trusty band of slav... er, Sims, who worked non-stop from Monday morning until Friday afternoon, building up their skills until they were able to produce the precious flowers. As long as I kept hitting the max_motives cheat, they kept working.

Snapdragon Manufacturing Area:

I did feel a bit mean when one of them broke down in tears after they'd finished, due to aspiration failure. But I bought him a telescope and he soon perked up. Simple things...

Here's the shop from the Snapdragon Starter lot:

Both Snapdragon lots are now in final testing so they should be available to download sometime next week.


...what I really wanted to create was a Snapdragon shop where Sims could go and purchase these valuable flowers. Of course, this isn't possible to do because unless the snapdragons are set for sale, Sims visiting a lot can't buy them... and as they are not available in the catalogue, the only way set them for sale is to have a Sim buy a shop full of them and price them up. Still with me? I say all this nonchalantly as if I was fully aware of this but no - only through (failed) experimentation has it become blindingly obvious ;-)

So, instead, I offer you an OFB lot to purchase and (when it's finished) a starter home business version (under �20,000) of the same lot. The OFB lot is FULL of snapdragons - all tested and guaranteed to be of the pink vapour variety. Though if your lot-purchasing Sim does not yet have the skills to make these flowers, I do suggest you don't sell them all at once! You might like to replace some of them with more regular flowers and store the spares in your Sim's inventory. Here's a couple more pics:

The shop downstairs:

And upstairs:

Simply Snapdragons

Coming soon, Simply Snapdragons - two lots; an OFB lot and a home business starter selling - you've guessed it - snapdragons, amongst other flowers. More details soon! In the meantime, here's a preview pic.


Coming up next is Woodcroft, a house built for a houseplan challenge in the forums. Quite fun! I don't normally build from plans so it was something different, too. It's unfurnished - it has a very basic kitchen and bathrooms - but the grounds are landscaped and it has five bedrooms. It's on a 3x4 lot too, so there's plenty of room for all (including pets). The part I'm most proud of, however, is the roof. Just look at it, lol!

You can see the front view on my homepage, here's a view from the side:

The back garden:

And the roof - hurrah!

Quirky Cottages

At some point, I do hope to get the hang of co-ordinating my blog with details on what's actually being published, lol, ;-) So, I'm a bit late here, but today, Quirky Tudor Cottage is available to download. It's a response to boothebirdy's challenge in the Build A Lot forum to build a starter for a couple and their quadruplets (just imagine - those poor Sims!). It's on a 3x1 lot and includes all the skill-building objects they'll need. Of course, if your Sims don't have four toddlers, they can always sell the cots and buy themselves a shiny new car instead!

Pesky Pirates...

Pirate Cove will be on the site tomorrow (Friday 3rd). Just a warning not to panic when you first play the lot! The first time you load it, most of the ship will appear to be under water (this actually looks quite cool, I might have to build another one like this!). Your Sims won't mind this at all and will happily wander around as if it were perfectly normal to be amphibious.

The second time you enter the lot, all will be normal and the landscape will have adjusted itself. I believe the problem is caused by my having built the lot on the coast in Bluewater Village where the sea-level is actually above land(!) You can see this from some of the photos of the lot where the backgound is varying shades of blue. So, either sit there and enjoy watching your Sims pootle about underwater or quickly enter the lot from the neighbourhood screen and come out again straight away (you don't even need to save it) before you take your Sims there. Either way, they won't drown - which is odd when you think how many of them meet their doom in a swimming pool...

Pirate Cove

As promised, a few more photos of Pirate Cove.

It's many years since The Black Pig ran aground in Pirates' Cove. After the crew absconded with all the gold, the ship was reclaimed by the local authorities. They scrubbed the decks and replaced those nasty black sails with some nice clean white ones. Sims now travel from far and wide to dine under the stars and party on the poop deck. It's a veritable treasure trove of entertainment ;-)

A few more details of the exterior:

And some of the entertainment available on the ship:

Latest Headlines

The Snapdragon Set... Snapdragon Slideshows Here's one I made earlier... Slave to the Snapdragon So... Simply Snapdragons Woodcroft Quirky Cottages Pesky Pirates... Pirate Cove
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