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Tigerblue's Blog

The Corner Villa (Furnished)

A few pictures, from the basement up, of the furnished version of the Corner Villa, which is out today. One note; because the toilet and sink can only be placed on "real" walls, not basement walls, the bathroom in the basement is a little hard to work with . You might want to delete the wall mounted TV in the sitting area, or remove a tree to access it more easily.

Here's the lot:

And here are some details of the interior. The basement kitchen:

Ground floor living room and music room:

Close up of the music room:

First floor main bedroom and bathroom:

Top floor kids' bedrooms and bathrooms:

And finally, a detail of one of the kids' rooms:

I hope you'll like it!

~ Tiger :)

What would you most like to see more of?

Talk to me :D - I'd love to hear if you have any particular preferences about what you'd like to see more of.

The latest Lakeside Lodge should be out next week; there's more Eden Village and Little Venice lots in the works... I keep saying I'll do some more modern lots... I have ideas for more cabins (not lakeside ones - perhaps for Sims who can't afford to live on the lake!) Ideas for another BV only set of lots...I'm intending to do some more Tropical lots... I also have plans for a Luxury Lakeside Lodge and perhaps a hotel version, too.

You can see why I might need a bit of help, here. My head is swimming...

Is there a series that you'd like to see more of? Or more starters in any particular series, perhaps? I would love to hear from you! If you'd like to, do leave me a message here or in my forum thread.

Thank you!

~ Tiger :)

Little Venice - Posh Villa

Here's a few preview pics of what's coming up. I have a new lot in this series coming out in a few days' time. My intention is to then publish a superset of all the Little Venice lots so far, followed by a fresh wave of new lots. I'll be back with some pics of those soon ;-)

I'm quite pleased with this one; it was originally the third generation in a series of three (the others being the Starter and Tall Starter in this series.) I've tweaked it quite a bit and I hope you'll like it.

I envisaged some slightly pretentious Sims living there ;-) In the meantime, the Ramaswamis kindly offered to pose in a few pics of the unfurnished version:

Here's the top floor:

The first floor:

The ground floor:

And finally the basement:

Back with more previews soon...

~ Tiger

Lakeside Dwelling Set

I thought you might like to see a few more details of the Lakeside Dwelling lots which are out tomorrow.

Many thanks to my little sis who spotted a problem with the stairs in these lots while testing them for me (Sims could go upstairs but not come down again); it's now been fixed and while testing the revised versions, I took a few snapshots of the Traveller family who bought the dark wood version as their new vacation home.

Here's Trent watching the waves:

And eventually braving them:

Trisha settling down for a nice sunbathing session on some pine needles in the shade, having built a MASTERPIECE of a sandcastle (I was testing on a computer with only BV installed so no snow in Three Lakes!):

And here's the walkout basement. I'm afraid there's no natural daylight coming into the basement - because of how I built these lots - so get your Sims to leave the lights on when they're down there if environment scores drop.

The ground floor:

And finally the top floor balcony bedroom:

Please don't remove the floor tiles above this level if you have Seasons - the snow and rain might come in as the roof overhangs the walls at some points. You can remove them if you don't have Seasons.

Oh - and I've set this lot as having two bedrooms, because there's plenty of room to add another should you wish.

Hope you'll like it! I wish I could buy it myself...

~ Tiger :-)

Lakeside Cabins

I'm blown away by how great the lakeside lots in Three Lakes neighbourhood look. Even before you begin to build on them, the reflections of the landscape in the lake are just lovely. I've really enjoyed building the Lakeside Cabin Generations set (the first on of which is on the front page of my minisite). There will be at least four lots in the series - maybe five.

Here's the Lakeside Cabin - which I released a few weeks ago:

Here's the Lakeside Log Hut (which is larger than it sounds and also has a useable walkout basement):

And the Lakeside Lodge:

I will also be doing Pebbley versions of both just as I did with the first one in the set. I'll post more pics soon, too.

~ Tiger

Happy New Year!

Thank you to everyone who left me comments and gb messages in 2007 :-) I'm sorry I can't answer them all individually but here's a huge thank you to share!

I hope 2008 brings all good things to you all.

Tiger :-)

Woodcroft - free for one week :-)

...from today! This lot has a companion lot, Meadcroft and I keep meaning to do some more in this style. Maybe I'll get to it in the New Year.... ~ Tiger :-)

Bon Voyage Lots - Coming Sooner :-D

A few more pics - I've just started uploading my new Bon Voyage lots. Hurrah! I started work on these weeks ago and have only just been able to get back to them.

Thank you to everyone who has taken part in my poll - I have listened and have tried to provide a variety of homes to suit every budget. I thought the best way to do this would be a generation set of five houses - like I did with the Tudor and Cube generation sets.

The first set will be a set of tropical beach homes - perfect for vacations but also for use as regular homes in neighbourhoods with a coast.

So, here's the Tropical Hut:

and the Tropical Bungalow:

At the moment the next generation looks like this - a bit busy - I've still got a bit of work to do on the Tropical Villa:

What else? Well, I've got a hotel coming up that you might recognise - fancy a night in the Hotel Pirate Cove, anyone?!

Well, I'd better get back to it and finish them off!

Bye for now,
Tiger :-)

Coming soon!

Here's few pics of what's coming up. I have a number of Bon Voyage lots in the works, too, so they'll be along soon :-) I'm keeping them under wraps for now! But here's few pics of what else you can expect to see in the next few weeks:

Storybook House Set (I've taken the house from the Storybook Bakery, extended it and added another bedroom):

Some Georgian Mews lots:

More Eden Village lots:

And a few more Little Venice lots, too:

Hope there's something there you'll like :-)

~ Tiger

Squares - free lot for one week only :-)

I've put my lots back on free rotation: this week it's Squares, one of my most popular lots. It's free for a week from Friday the 26th October. Grab it quick :-))))

Latest Headlines

The Corner Villa (Furnished) What would you most like to see... Little Venice - Posh Villa Lakeside Dwelling Set Lakeside Cabins Happy New Year! Woodcroft - free for one week :-) Bon Voyage Lots - Coming Sooner :-D Coming soon! Squares - free lot for one week...
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