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Tigerblue's Blog

I injured my arm a few weeks ago and have had to rest it

Good news is it's improving and I should have some more stuff coming out soon :-) If you've left me a comment or gb message recently - THANK YOU!! I can't reply to them all but I really appreciate them.

Bon Voyage Holiday Homes Poll

I've been thinking about what I might like to create when Bon Voyage hits the shelves soon. I'd quite like to build some holiday homes and I was wondering how much your Sims have to spend? I'd love to hear what you think, so I've added a poll - and I'll let you know the results in a couple of weeks' time.

Thanks to everyone who takes part, this will be very helpful!

Tiger :-)

Tudor Starter Set

I've decided to group my Tudor lots into a few sets to make them easier to grab and download. Here's the first set - which is all ready to go - you can find it on the front page of my minisite :-)

The Tudor Starter Set:

Thank you for the great comments!

I'm afraid I can't hope to answer all the comments and gb entries I've had in the last couple of months individually. So here's a great big thank you to everyone who's been in touch. It means a great deal to read what you've written. Thank you!

After a long silence...

... I'm back :-) RL has been quite overwhelming recently, though mostly in a good way, so what I thought was going to be a short break went on and on...

Anyway, more soon. Just wanted to leave a note to say that I am updating again now; there are more Little Venice lots inthe pipeline and no doubt more Eden Village lots at some point again, too. But to start with, I've had a few requests for a residential chateau - and as, luckily, I built the Chenonceau lot on a residential lot before converting it to a community lot, I'm able to oblige. Hope you enjoy!

Bye for now,
Tiger :-)

Villa and Home Business - more pics

A few more details of the two upcoming lots. Plus! info on how to weather-proof the boats:

Overview of the lot:

Details from the home business version:

And from the unfurnished Villa version:

To weatherproof the boats
just remove the half wall behind the stairs and replace it with a full wall to create a little room with just the stairs inside:

Rain and hail don't seem to get into the boats - snow might. Sims might be affected by temperature changes, though. I haven't had time to check every possibility - let me know what you find!

Tiger :)

Little Venice - Villa and Home Business

... nearly there. Just got to run a few Sims round the lot to check it's all working; hopefully, RL permitting, it will be on the site by the weekend :-)

It looks MUCH less cluttered in game!
I'm really pleased with the details in these lots but they're NOT easy to photograph...

Anyway, it's a home business, selling garden furniture, plants and sculptures. There's a restroom and employees' break-room on the houseboat. The house itself is unfurnished apart from bathrooms.

I'm going to release an unfurnished version (ie no home business / empty houseboat) of the lot, too.

Enough grumbling :-)))))

More soon,
Tiger :)

Just to confuse you...

I've changed the preview pics for Little Venice - The Corner Villa; I wanted them to be stronger and clearer at a glance (when they're thumbnail size). Thought I'd mention it 'cos I didn't want anyone to think they'd missed a new lot ;-)

I know, I'm nice like that :-D

I've stuck an "Under Construction" pic of the next lot up, too, as a sneak preview.

Tiger :)


I've had some really thoughtful comments recently - it's always lovely to find them. Thank you to everyone who's left me one; I'm sorry that RL doesn't allow the time to respond to them all individually. They are very much appreciated. :)

Little Venice - The Corner Villa - More Pics!

I do think this is one of the best lots I've ever built so I hope these pics will help persuade you to download :)

Overview of the lot:

The front of the house and the bridge:

Rear garden:

The Houseboat:

The interior of the house:

I have moved the postbox and dustbin for this lot. Everything should work fine! Here's the postman dropping off the letters:

The school bus and work carpool arriving:

And the dustbin being filled:

If you have any problems use the move_objects on cheat and move them back to the kerbside.

Hope you enjoy this lot (hope you download it!!!)
Tiger :-)))

Latest Headlines

I injured my arm a few weeks ago... Bon Voyage Holiday Homes Poll Tudor Starter Set Thank you for the great comments! After a long silence... Villa and Home Business - more pics Little Venice - Villa and Home... Just to confuse you... THANK YOU! Little Venice - The Corner Villa...
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