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Tigerblue's Blog

Little Venice - a new series :-)

Starts Sunday 10th June! A new series - an upmarket neighbourhood with canals, houseboats and Italianate villas - based on an exclusive area of London known as Little Venice.

Here's the blurb for the first lot and a couple of pics. More to follow soon! :)

Live on the boat or in the house; there's room for a large families here. Garden at rear with pool and jacuzzi. Boat is furnished; house is unfurnished. *Maxis Content Only*

White Cube Pics

I didn't get chance to upload these before the set was released... here's a few details of the furnished (home business version) of the White Cube set.

Btw, White Cube is a famous art gallery in London... so the name seemed very appropriate!

Details of the interior living space:

And the ground floor art gallery:

It's a 2x3 lot. And the split levels are fun - give it a go!
Lol, enough urging, I'm off to bed.
Bye for now :)

I'm back :)

Just starting to upload the next lot and catch up on things...

More soon,
Tiger :)

Away from TSR for a short while...

Something has come up in RL and I'm going to be away from TSR for a week or two. I have a couple of lots all ready to go - just waiting for time to do the preview pics - so I'll post those when I return.

Obviously I won't be able to answer PMs or guestbook messages during this time. If you have sent me a comment recently, thank you! I'm sorry I can't answer them all but they are very much appreciated. :)

Back soon,

Modern Set

The first of two sets of modern buildings coming your way! Out on Sunday 13th May, this first set consists of two unfurnished lots. The starter requires OFB only, the other lot needs NL and Uni, too. Hope you like them! The second set (a Home Business) will be along soon.

Tudor Flower Shoppe - free for four weeks :)

Yup, this is this month's free lot. A home business with accomodation upstairs and a lovely garden and pool. Here's a few detailed pics.

Have fun,
Tiger :-)

Georgian Set

This set of two lots requires no expansion packs. It's all Maxis content. There are two unfurnished houses on one lot - and a single house on the starter lot. I quite like the slightly grittier look to these Georgian houses, so I may do more if they are popular. If you've downloaded my Georgian Starter Set, you will find that these houses are very similar in build.

A few pics:

And for those who like basements, I've pre-dug them on the Georgian Duo lot. To gain access just follow these simple instructions:

Just take out the four floor tiles next to the stairs:

Add some modular stairs:

And you will have access to the basement, to which you can then add a floor and wallpaper:

I know, I'm so good to you!
Tiger :)

Lots with no EPs required

I've had a few requests for lots that don't require certain expansion packs. And for some that require none at all. Sometimes this is possible - and I try to use as few EPs as possible where I can - but at other times, I need a certain EP to use the half-walls (NL); certain windows or features (such as the square ones in OFB) or certain build cheats.

Sometimes when I release a set, I include a starter that doesn't require as many EPs. There's a modern one coming up in the middle of May. So please check the EP requirements on each individual lot. Also coming up are two Georgian lots which require NO EPs. Depending on how popular these are, I may do more.

I'm also going to repeat the info I included a while ago in my blog. This was written pre-Seasons. If you find this works with the Maxis Seasons Installer too, please let me know!

Installing Lots for which you do not have all the EPs:

There are two possible ways to install lots for which you don't have all the EPs. Read on! Please back up your data if you're trying either of these methods for the first time (although I haven't heard of any problems so far). But I don't want to be held responsible for any problems with your game, ok?!

If you have Pets installed, you should be able to use the Maxis Installer to install ANY lot, whether or not you have the correct EPs. This works for both Macs and PCs. Of course, items from the EPs you DON'T have will be missing. So, if you don't have the correct windows, the building won't have windows. Same goes for furniture. With doors, it seems that the game will replace them with a door from the base game.

If you don't have Pets but are using a PC, you can use Clean Installer to install lots for which you have the last EP. That is, if a lot requires Uni, NL and OFB, as long as you have OFB, the lot should install for you. Once again, items from the EPs you DON'T have will be missing.

I hope that helps some of you who've contacted me wishing you could install a certain lot for which you don't have the EPs.

Tiger :)

Interior Pics of Eden Village - Country House

Hi all,

Just a few pics of the interior of this lot. One note - there is a spot outside the front door where Sims occasionally get stuck. They will stand on the spot and wave as if something is in their way. Have a look at accentia's comment on this blog entry for the reason why this happens (and a fix if it's troubling you). Here's Granny demonstrating:

Just redirect the Sims to do something else or go elsewhere and they will move.

Here's two wider shots of the kitchen:

Parts of the family room / study area:

The attic teen room:

The formal reception room:

More bedrooms:

That's all for now!
Tiger :)

Eden Village - Country House

I'm tempted to whoop for joy at having finally finished this lot! It's available for download on Sunday 22nd. There's an unfurnished version which will probably suit most people best. The furnished version is very heavily furnished and will need a substantial computer to run it without lag. Of course, you can always download the furnished version and delete the stuff you don't want or need!

There are a few pics of this lot further down the page, so I won't post the same ones again.

Here's a detail of the little outbuilding on the lot - perfect for a home business or for use as a separate residence:

A wider view of the front of the house (the outbuilding is off to the left):

And the rear garden:

And finally, the view across the front lawn from the greenhouse - full of thriving plants when packaged!:

The lot is a 4x4 - which I think I've incorrectly labelled as "medium" - I'll check - I think it's a "large" lot. I'll change that when it's published.

Finally, I played this lot myself and packaged it when my neighbourhood was in its third season. You may find that the first season any Sims experience in this lot will be the season that's listed third in your neighbourhood. So if you neighbourhood runs Winter-Spring-Summer-Autumn, you Sims may start off in Summer, rather than Winter.

Back with a few interior pics soon!
Tiger :)

Latest Headlines

Little Venice - a new series :-) White Cube Pics I'm back :) Away from TSR for a short while... Modern Set Tudor Flower Shoppe - free for... Georgian Set Lots with no EPs required Interior Pics of Eden Village -... Eden Village - Country House
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