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Tigerblue's Blog

Tudor Church - free from Sat 7th

I'm a bit late setting this month's free lot but from tomorrow, Saturday 7th April, for four weeks, you'll be able to download my Tudor Church community lot. Here's a couple of pics:


Tiger :-)

Thank you!

Thank you so much for all the great comments I've had recently. I'm sorry I can't answer them all individually. Please know that they are all very much appreciated. The comments often put a smile on my face and they really make creating feel worthwhile. Thank you :-)

If you do want to come and talk to me in the forums, please do. Just hit the "My Forum thread" link on my home page on the left hand side under the "FA Community Area" graphic to get there. I don't do requests as such but if there's anything you'd like to see more of, do say. And I love hearing about Sims who have moved into lots I've created, so please come along and post pics if you have any to share.

And of course, if there's a problem with any of my lots, you can catch me there too.

In the meantime, thanks again for all the great feedback. The comments I receive often make my day.

Tiger :-)

Georgian Townhouse with Mews

Out tomorrow, this property is based on the old Georgian properties you find in London, which have a row of Mews houses at the back, where the stables and servants used to be housed. These lovely Mews properties are now worth millions in their own right and the stables have all been converted to garages or living accomodation.

So, you can use the Mews for a home business or for housing your Sims' servants or additional family members. The lot is the largest medium lot - a 5x2. It also features a sideways garage. PLEASE don't remove the garage door on this lot! It's VERY difficult to put it back, if you do. If you enter the lot without moving Sims in first, the garage door won't appear correctly. This will correct itself as soon as you move some Sims in.

A few pics! I really wanted the property to have the feel of a smart London street, so I hope you'll feel I've captured that.

The Mews house:

I hope you enjoy this lot and that your Sims are happy there :-)


How to Extend the Storybook Starters

At last! Here's a few instructions, should you want to extend the foundation of these houses.

First of all, you don't need to use the CFE cheat to do this. My apologies for the mis-information. I built the houses using the cheat and thought it would be necessary to turn it on again. It isn't. Which makes things much easier.

The one thing you need to do is to drag the new foundation away from the existing foundation.

For example, if you start here...:

...and drag...:

...you'll get a nice new foundation:

But if you start here:

And drag towards the foundation:

The build engine won't allow the foundation to be added.

Obviously, the reason for all this is the higher-than-usual foundation that the townhouses are built on. They look more authentic this way. Some of the Maxis houses that came with Nightlife are also built in this way, so these instructions will work for extending those houses, too.

I'll post more about the CFE cheat sometime for those of you who are unfamiliar with it. It's an advanced building cheat which you have to be careful with but which can produce some interesting results. When I next build something that uses it, I'll take some pics and explain in more detail.

Bye for now!

Instructions on how to extend the Storybook Starters

Coming soon - sorry folks, haven't been well again this week and haven't had chance to put these instructions up. Back with them soon.


Eden Village - Country House

A quick update to show you what I'm working on at the moment. I've thoroughly enjoyed playing with this house and I've seen it thorugh Autumn, Winter and Spring so far. It's a large country home, with an orchard, greenhouse, lake and pool. It also has a small outbuilding that can be used either as a grandparents' cottage or as a shop (or anything else you can think of!). Here's a few pics I took in Winter:

The kitchen:

The back of the house:

The front:

And an overview of the lot:

I'm hoping this will be on the site within the next week. It's built on a 4x4 lot, so I may release it furnished AND unfurnished (for those with slower computers). We'll see :-)

~ Tiger

Eden Village - New Series!

The first of my Eden Village lots will be released tomorrow, Sunday 11th. The focus of this series will be on country living and gardens (of Eden, geddit?!), to make the most of the new Seasons EP.

I must admit I'm totally captivated by Seasons. The lighting effects and look of each season, along with the weather are amazing. I've actually been playing the game for the first time in ages, instead of just building and testing.

Anyway, here's some more pics of Eden Village - Home Business. You didn't think I'd forgotten the Tudors, did you?!

Please note that you DON'T NEED Seasons to use the starter version of this lot!

Here's the exterior photographed in Autumn:

A few shots of the garden:

An overview of the shop and greenhouse:

And a couple of shots of the cottage interior at night:

There are no plants or produce included with this lot - your Sims will have to get fishing and planting when they move in... but so far, the Flower family that I have living and working here are doing ok!

Tiger :-)

This month's freebies! :-)

There are TWO free lots on offer this month... that's on top of any Seasons lots I make which will also be free for March.

First up is Town Tudor, on a 3x1 lot. I'm really fond of this lot and I hope you'll give it a go. It's all set for a small family and has just about everything they may desire!

Here's a couple of different shots than those shown in the preview pics. It's designed to work well in a town or country setting:



The pool area:

I was REALLY chuffed with how I fitted so much in on that lot! ;-)

The other free lot is my Storybook Bakery, which is featured in this month's Newsletter :-)

This one really is a fave of mine so I hope you'll enjoy it too!

Tiger :-)

Constructing the Ch�teau

I promised a few pics of how I built the Ch�teau de Chenonceau. After studying reference pictures of the RL ch�teau (which you can google) I was able to decide on the size of lot I would need.

As you can see, I built a large foundation and started at the back of the lot, marking out where certain features were going to go:

I continued to build up one side of the ch�teau, experimenting with the roof shapes, to determine how deep the building was going to be:

It didn't look too bad from the side... until you had a look at what was going on behind the facade:

I was using CFE as I went along to get the arches I wanted over the water. Once I was happy with the side, I moved onto the front facade and began experimenting again:

After that, I built up the reverse:

And then I had a complete panic about how I was actually going to join the building sitting in the lake to the grounds! I eventually solved this with more CFE work:

Eventually... many hours later... ta-daa! The ch�teau emerged!

Then, I just had to move inside and sort out the interior. Which also took a while. Altogether it was 42 hours of building. That's a LOT of experimentation and hair-pulling!

Bye for now!
Tiger :-)

Tigerblue has had the flu :-(

...but I'm bouncing back now (oh yes, you don't get rid of me that easily) and I've just uploaded a new set - out Sunday 11th. Back with more details; those Chateau pics I promised and other stuff soon :-) And if you've left me a comment recently, thank you!

Latest Headlines

Tudor Church - free from Sat 7th Thank you! Georgian Townhouse with Mews How to Extend the Storybook... Instructions on how to extend... Eden Village - Country House Eden Village - New Series! This month's freebies! :-) Constructing the Ch�teau Tigerblue has had the flu :-(
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