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Tigerblue's Blog

Georgian Manor Set

Available for download tomorrow, Wednesday 28th Feb, are these two sumptuous Manor Houses. Plenty of room for a large family on a 3x3 lot. Each bedroom has an ensuite bathroom and the kitchen is fully furnished.

I recommend replacing the hedges with plastic versions because the gardener will refuse to trim some of them due to the low brick walls I've used.

A few pics:

The Boathouse *Updated*

I made the fatal mistake of tweaking a couple of things on The Boathouse lot AFTER I'd finished testing... after playing with the lot at the weekend, I've updated the file.

I've moved a light obstructing access to one of the rose bushes, causing the gardener to leave before finishing all their work. And I've moved the trash which, in my game at least, was causing the maid to stomp and shout and throw rubbish everywhere.

You can either download again or fix these simple issues yourself (just use the move_objects on cheat to turn the trash can round).

The new file is called "The Boathouse (Rev 2)" to differentiate between versions.

So annoying that I did this! Why bother testing if I'm then going to start changing things?! Ah, the pursuit of perfection... :-)

Ch�teau de Chenonceau

So, here it is. I present the Ch�teau de Chenonceau, sims-style. Out tomorrow (Saturday 23rd); a huge personal project for me that is thankfully now complete! You can find lots of pics in this thread in the TSR Showrooms.

This lot is based on the gorgeous Ch�teau de Chenonceau. It's a VERY simplified version as the real ch�teau is quite ornate. It was something that I very much wanted in my own game. The interior is that of a grand hotel, with a smart lobby with barista; fine dining; a bar and poker; a library, gym and spa and four individual ensuite bedrooms.

It's built on a 4x5 lot. It will run on a mid-level computer but you will need to take some time to whip out some of the decor, furnishings etc There are four heavily furnished bedrooms, for example; you may find you only need one. As I said, I made it for me and I'm sharing for fun, so I make no apologies for the fact that it runs best on a powerful computer. ;-)

Here's the exterior:

I won't post many pics here as it's difficult just to pick out one or two! They're all clearly labelled in the forum thread, so nip in there and have a look, if you have time.

The lobby:

The gym/spa/shopping/makeover area:

And the dining area:

I'll be back soon with a few pics of how the lot was built for those of you that are interested.

Bye for now!
Tiger :-)

A note on the Chateau roofs...

The roofs of these lots were perfect when packaged and will be fine when you first enter the lot. If at a later date you enter the lot and the roof looks really tall, open the cheat window (Ctrl-Shift-C) and type "RoofSlopeAngle 55".

I'm afraid this is a bug in the game when using conical roofs and the RoofSlopeAngle cheat. But it's easily fixed if you follow the information above. Once you've entered the cheat, the roof will be fine.

~ Tiger

Chateaux Lots!

I've been working on a series of Chateaux for your Sims, based on the beautiful buildings in France. At this point I really ought to thank my mum and late father for taking me to see these gorgeous palaces as a child (and while I'm at it, I'm sorry I moaned my way round by the time we got the fifth one, Mum ;-) )

While I can't hope to do the architecture justice using Maxis Only items, I do hope you'll feel I've captured their spirit. The first set is out tomorrow. It's a set of two, on a 3x3 lot with moat and landscaped grounds. There will be another larger community lot along at the end of the week - I'm just tweaking the preview pics in the hope that I can tempt you!

Here's a few pics:

The interior:

And a few more details:

So much to do, so little Sim time :-(

Hi all, I'm afraid RL hasn't allowed enough Sim time this week but I shall be back soon with details of the two Chateau lots coming next week :-) And I've started uploading some lots that will be available in the next two weeks - you can check these out under Upcoming Items...

Storybook Starter Set

There will be three starters available tomorrow, all in the Storybook style. Yellow, blue and pink are your choices; each has different decor inside and out, thought the basic lot is the same. Here's a few pics:

Yellow Storybook Starter:

Blue Storybook Starter:

Pink Storybook Starter:

I hope your Sims will like them ;-)


Expansion Pack Info - Please Read!

There are two possible ways to install lots for which you don't have all the EPs. Read on! Please back up your data if you're trying either of these methods for the first time (although I haven't heard of any problems so far). But I don't want to be held responsible for any problems with your game, ok?!

If you have Pets installed, you should be able to use the Maxis Installer to install ANY lot, whether or not you have the correct EPs. This works for both Macs and PCs. Of course, items from the EPs you DON'T have will be missing. So, if you don't have the correct windows, the building won't have windows. Same goes for furniture. With doors, it seems that the game will replace them with a door from the base game.

If you don't have Pets but are using a PC, you can use Clean Installer to install lots for which you have the last EP. That is, if a lot requires Uni, NL and OFB, as long as you have OFB, the lot should install for you. Once again, items from the EPs you DON'T have will be missing.

I hope that helps some of you who've contacted me wishing you could install a certain lot for which you don't have the EPs. If you want to read more about all this, check out this thread in the forums.

That's all for now,
Tiger :-)

This month's free lot...

...is the Georgian Terrace property which you can find on this page. You'll find more details and pics of this lot in this blog entry.

Hope you enjoy it! :-) Tiger

Here's a couple of pics to tempt you ;-):

Looking for my older lots?

Use the "Most Downloaded" link under my banner to find ALL my lots. Some of my older lots aren't showing up under the Lot downloads page so if you're looking for Tudor lots, you won't see them all there. I've sent a report to TSR so I'm hopeful it will be fixed soon :-)

Latest Headlines

Georgian Manor Set The Boathouse *Updated* Ch�teau de Chenonceau A note on the Chateau roofs... Chateaux Lots! So much to do, so little Sim... Storybook Starter Set Expansion Pack Info - Please Read! This month's free lot... Looking for my older lots?
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