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Tigerblue's Blog

Blue Quoined Townhouse

Well I'm a bit late with extra pics for this lot as it's due to be published tomorrow. Never mind, here's a couple of details. And for those of you who are wondering, the "quoins" are the white corner stones and are pronounced "coins" ;-)

Oh dear - can't upload pics today, it seems... they're geting lost in the system. I'll try again later!

Happy New Year!

Here's to a happy and healthy New Year for all - I hope 2007 is good to you. Thanks for all the messages and support this year, I really do appreciate it. :-) Happy New Year!

Completely Confused!

Now where's that red-faced smilie when you need him?! I appear to have completely confused the TSR submissions system by not releasing all three of the Georgian Townhouses Set at once. In fact, the system seems to have decided to remove the two previously published houses and will re-publish them AGAIN on Sunday, along with the third one.

Oh dear. Perhaps I'd better stick to releasing single lots and you'll have to find them and make your own sets ;-) A shame, really, 'cos I think it's good to be able to group things together... I shall keep investigating to see if there's a way around this.

In the meantime, if you've been clicking on the either of the two pics of the previously published lots on my home page and getting "Item not found" I do apologise - please come back on Sunday... WHY the system doesn't work exactly as I want it to, I don't know ;-)

Just to tempt you further, I hope, here's a couple more pics of the third and final townhouse.

First, the back garden:

The basement kitchen:

And finally, one of the roomy upper floors:

I'm just going to end with one last plea for those of you who don't like more than two floors to try this house - because it's so compact, it might be easier to play than you imagine ;-)

Season's Greetings!

As a small gift, for one week from tomorrow (25th December), my Riverside Tudor lot will be free to download. Whatever festival you may (or may not) be celebrating around now, I hope you have fun :-)

Riverside Tudor requires Uni and NL only:

This is one of my favourite lots and the separate outbuilding is ideal for a home business; I hope you enjoy it! Have fun!

Last lot of pics...

...of the Georgian Townhouse (which will be published tomorrow).

The third floor is an open plan kitchen with a small bathroom and TV area.

And the top floor is mostly bedrooms and bathrooms, and includes a small nursery.

Hope you like it!

More Georgian Pics!

Hehe, well after all that excitement, normal service is being restored. Here we go - a few more details of the interior of the Georgian Townhouse. So, in the basement, you will find a teen bedroom with a small lounge area, a small kitchen and a bathroom (as well as the gym shown in the previous post). Basically I wanted somewhere for teens to hang out and have some independence.

Here's an overview of the basement with my trusty tester family in it:

Moving up a floor, your Sims will find a sitting room, living area and snooker room:

Here's a detail of the sitting room...:

...and one of the snooker room:

Back with pics from the upper floors, soon ;-)

Thank you!

It's been so lovely to read all the messages, welcomes and congratulations :-) Thank you very much to everyone who has been in touch. I do want to reply individually and am making my way through the messages but in the mean time please know that I really appreciate them all!

Wow :-)

I'm sitting here wondering how on earth to express how happy I am to have been chosen as an FA. Like many creators, it's something I've dreamed of since first coming to TSR many years ago. Gosh. I don't know what to say! Thank you TSR and thanks to anyone who's ever downloaded my lots, too. It's just amazing, in the loveliest possible way, to get this recognition :-)

Georgian Townhouse Photos

So! Here's a few of photos of the exterior of the Georgian Townhouse. The house was designed for bluemuffin's "So Many Sims, So Little Space" challenge in the forums so it will accomodate a family of eight. That said, it only has one staircase and unless you're someone who enjoys micro-managing Sims, I'd keep the numbers down a bit - otherwise you'll have many a Sim standing around waving because someone else is on the stairs...

Here's an overview of the lot:

A close up of the roof terrace:

The pool area (it's an aquarium-style pool which can be seen from the gym inside):

The basement gym looking out onto the pool:

More photos coming soon!

Georgian Townhouse Set

The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed that this week's Georgian Townhouse looks rather similar to the Georgian Graduate Starter (which will be available for download on Sunday, btw). I've built three versions of that lot, each one progressively larger than the last. This lot is the largest of the three. Hopefully, (if I can pull it off, lol) there will be a set of all three available shortly. Now, of course if I'd thought on, I could have shown you a photo of the middle-sized townhouse here and it would all have made much more sense. But sadly, I didn't ;-)

So instead, I shall bombard you with photos of the large Georgian Townhouse. There are quite a few to come - not least because this lot took me a loooong time. You have been warned!

Hmm... the best laid plans.... it seems I can't upload photos at the moment (maybe because of the site upgrades) so I shall post this for now and return with pics soon. Bye!

Latest Headlines

Blue Quoined Townhouse Happy New Year! Completely Confused! Season's Greetings! Last lot of pics... More Georgian Pics! Thank you! Wow :-) Georgian Townhouse Photos Georgian Townhouse Set
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