Finally - another home!!!
All these tutorials have taken their toll on my new building work!!! ;) But I've finally managed to get round to a quite imaginative home - for a terra-forming family on a moon of Jupiter (the likeliest places we'll find traces of alien life in our solar system).
It's called Hubble Tower, after the astronomer Hubble and the eponymous (eek!! big word!!! :lol: ) space station, and is a sci-fi tower on 7 levels. It features domes, but different ones - low and streamlined. I've had to make it over several times (3 days of testing) to ensure high environment ratings in the rooms that overhang 'nothingness'!!!
To be honest, I think the inspiration came from recently seeing the Bronx World Fair site in Scorcese's The Departed (the 'flying saucers' also seen in MIB) - it burned an image in my little brain.
But it also looks like a big Pet!!! ;)
Here's a preview pic:
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