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Tiko's Guestbook

StrawbzApr 27, 2007

Hi Andy \:\) I'm not sure what it was called but it was a travel program about Bhutan - the culture, buildings and festivals \:\) I only saw the 2nd half of it but it was fantastic I will keep an eye out and if they have it on again I will get you the name \:\) - have a great day, Nicky

StrawbzApr 26, 2007

Hi Andy \:\) I'm really glad to heat you are getting better \:\) hubby and I saw a documentary on the real Tiger's Nest and we just wanted to say WOW its an amazing place and you managed to capture it perfectly \:rah\: - have a wonderfull relaxing weekend, regards, Nicky \:\)

TheMistress666Apr 25, 2007

Hi Andy....Im really glad you are feeling a little better now, you really must have been bad if you were reading my blog!! lol! It really great to hear of someone sharing the same experiences on those awful pills, but i guess in the thick of it all, i probably needed them to be able to come out shining at the other end! I may not be able to chuck on the running shoes anymore, but i guess i apreciate it more just walking (or hobbling!) instead. What a great Hamlet saying... Tis the classics that hold the inspiration indeed! I can see you have some more gorgeous lots pending that i shall be grabbing as soon as.. soon it will be Tiko Time (Oh dear oh dear oh dear!! i do hope that raised a smirk because i now want to crawl under a rock for altering that awful cheesy song title and adding even more cheese)\:o Take care! Claire the cheesgrater \:P

Angel275Apr 25, 2007

As for, this week that you ask me. I have to tell you that this week I am making three tests, I have made one on Tuesday - German, and there are History and Maths - tommorow and on Friday.

Angel275Apr 25, 2007

Thanks so much on your reply on the message I've sent you earlier this week. I look forward to your next tutorials, and I really like to say that it is an honour to be inspired by my screenshots.

MysticVelvetApr 25, 2007

Hi there Andy, not quite worked through them all, but have read them ll and understood them, I found them easy to read and understand, and I just love learning more and more things I can do with the Sims 2. Just read your profile and saw your from Scotland, my boyfriends from Scotland too and when he saw your comment, he recognised you as a fellow scotsman straight away.....lol, I'm english with scottish ancestry but we both live in Germany. Hope to catch you on the site sometime, Jean

H3wwyApr 25, 2007

Hi Andy, sorry to hear you have not been well, hope you are better now. The mansion looks amazing and I can't wait for the tutorial on any fences on stairs its a problem that has been driving me mad for months lol. Thank you so much for all your time and effort , the care and attention to details you put in your tutorials and everything you do is outstanding. You are a prince! Take care of yourself. \:wub\: Issy

JuliMondeApr 21, 2007

Hallo Tiko, I saw in your blog, that you've not been well - I hope everything is better now? I always adore your houses, have a lot of them and have learnt a lot from your tutorials which are really good to understand also for a dummy like me :p I have one question \:o - hope it's okay (and I don't missed a hint for this here on your page - if so - forgive me). Do you maybe plan any tutorial to explain that what you call "pediment gabled roofs" or have a hint for me hidden on your page? That would be so great. See I have no building skills (more for decorating) and have no idea how this works (I am the step by step follower in such cases and even than have problems to succeed \:D) I would love so much to do once a cottage with such gables. I hope you don't feel bothered with that - if so just ignore \:\) Juli

Angel275Apr 21, 2007

I just wanted to say that I have learnt a lot from your tutorials. Glad to have you here on TSR!

myladycravenApr 21, 2007

Hi Andy, Thank you for signing my Guestbook! I really liked the Gavi and I can't wait to download it and play the updated version for seasons. I hope you have a great weekend and one for me too\:D For I am stuck at work all weekend\:\( Katherine\;\)

jaxx_davApr 19, 2007

hi andy sorry i have'nt got back to you till now \:o i keep going back to the gambrel roof and having another go, i get so far then i end up with a flat centre piece its driving me nuts!!!!! \:confused\: but i wont let it beat me i will prevail, one of them i did ended up as a barn or was it a stable? i think it was a bit of both, i have also been following some of your other tutroials, ie chicken coop, sheds,pool bridges i have them all \:D i want to try everything, the more i know the better i can build \:rah\: who said you cant teach an old dog new tricks, let me at em \:P i will be following your advice on the japanese roofs tutorial if i can remember were i put it just joking \:D thanks jaxx

shakeshaftApr 19, 2007

Do you really need to ask...\:P ..of course you can use the Sails....I look forward to seeing the finished masterpiece...Andrea\:D

Gibson TwinsApr 19, 2007

Sorry to hear that you were ill\:\( Great can't wait and I live in Glenrothes, Fife\:D

fallenangelohioApr 19, 2007

Yeah, if you hold down central while you use the same tool that you used to build and right click the mouse at the end, it will take down the item you want gone. I found it by accident. I use it to save when I'm changing floor tiles and wallpaper or paint too. I also get some of my money back.\:D

shakeshaftApr 18, 2007

Hi Andy, you can't find the Windmill Sails anywhere because I only made them for that lot...\:\) I didn't think anyone would want them and if they did they would just download the Lot to get them...thanks again for your compliments...Andrea\:D

BaselApr 17, 2007

aye, jus liked to thank u for all the great help i got from ur great toturial, have a gud weekend

fallenangelohioApr 17, 2007

Tiko, I love your tutorials and use them all the time. I was wondering why you never mentioned using the CTRL button when erasing mistakes when building. Just curious \;\). Thanks for all easy to follow help.\:rah\:

MillskiApr 17, 2007

Hi, Your most welcome. I really did love your stuff! \:wub\: \:D

shakeshaftApr 16, 2007

Hi Andy, thank you for your lovely comment on Windmill Cottage, I still love to build but never seem to have the time now...Happy Simming!! Andrea\:D

benphillips12Apr 16, 2007

Great creator U are The BEST!!

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