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Tiko's Guestbook

BBKZMar 28, 2007

Hi, Andy \:\) Thank you so much for your memory \:\) Sorry that I'm so late with replying but yesterday I came back from some journey at the Baltic Sea. My friend Anna visited me on Sunday and said: 'you need a relax. Take two days break at work and go with me at the seaside.' .. What else could I do? I agreed \:\) Anna (friend from high school times) is pregnant and this was really hard for me. I have to wait one week for the results and diagnosis. Could I have children some day? But... I passed ths hard exam. I had so much fun in these days... Now I'm at work again but I have more.. hmm.. more power to face my problem with health... \:\) Have a wonderful day \:D Thank you for everything. Barbara

AnoeskaBMar 26, 2007

Hi Andy, thank you very much for your congratulations on becoming a FA and for the wonderfull compliment you gave me. \:wub\:

LadyMinionMar 25, 2007

Hi Andy, lovely to see your post in my guestbook today, it's always wonderful to hear from you. \:wub\: Thank you for the congrats and I will certainly try my best to make even better creations. \:D I do hope your charity project went well, btw. \:\) Take care and best wishes, ~Becky

mightyfaithgirlMar 24, 2007

Thanks so much for your incredible creations!\:D

Simsmia2004Mar 21, 2007

Hallo Andy, thanks for your thank to my comment *g Didnt think of a answer inway so i was very happy to read that one. There is something i would like to show you i have been able to do lots where the water of the neighborhood is getting part of the lot its a simple trick if you now how to do. At the moment I am trying to make the see of the neighborhood swimable and for that reason your Tutorial is very helpful for me ... may be you are interested and i could show you my lots and tell you how to do so that you may find a way (a more realistic one then i did find) to make sims swim in the neighborhood see may be we can work out something to gether wouldnt mind if you would do a tutorial then\:\) May be you could give me a helping hand on this than i could do it. But I think teamwork would be great if your are interested. I would love to give something back to the community because all this work they did to each of them to make my Sims very unique. Also I thought it would be great for the venice theme you made. I hope I am hearing from you soon surely i could show some pics them if you like and maybe my english is to bad for you to understand what i found out (people wrote: the game always rising the land for the lot up so never water is there if you place it next to the sea in game... found a way that the water is coming on the lot of the neighborhood sea, the sea is floating the lot ..... no rising up ) .... Many Greetings, happy simming and please don´t stop your great work \:\) Simsmia (Michaela)

jdamgaardMar 20, 2007

Hi Andy! You're welcome. Thanks for your comments on my very first mesh\:D \:rah\:

elmazzzMar 20, 2007

Hi Andy, thank you so much for the warm welcome and for the sweet compliment! \:\) Have a great rest of the day.. //Sandra & Funda \:wub\:

BBKZMar 20, 2007

Hello, Andy \:\) Thank you for signing my GB. It was really nice to see you there again... Sorry for your problems with Seasons. My EP is fine and... I'm Sim-maniac again - it's the best EP I've ever played. But I read at TSR forum that there is no snow on the Japanese roofs \;\) I don't rememeber that theard's title. But in Winter we can see snow on that kind of roofs (made with floor tiles). That's kinda funny but this is such a big problem \:\) ... I also want to thank you for wonderful words. I became a Master of Economy on the 10th of March! \:D It was really hard but I'm very happy and my parents and boyfriend are very proud of me \:wub\: I also have little problems with my health \:\( doctors said that maybe I have... a cancer. I'm still waiting for the results of some... explorations (I don't know how to write it in English, sorry).. I'm afraid and I'm really shocked but... I have to be strong and fight... But... I don't want to be pessimistic. I'm still smiling and I thank God that I have my wonderful Mom and boyfriend \:\) Everything will be fine \:\) It has to be!! \:D I wish you to fix problems with Seasons EP and... have a nice and sunny day! \:D Barbara

OgdenGrovesMar 20, 2007

Andy, I so know what you mean about seasons wanting to argue with you about your graphics and memory cards!! I have a computer that is less then a year old, with top of the line graphics, and more then enough memory, but it wants to run slow, and be a pain. It makes me wonder if it is actually a problem with the seasons program, like a memory leak or something of that nature, that they will be making a patch for soon. well we can hope anyway right? lol

matapieroMar 19, 2007

The simple roofs was not that hard, it only was metter of patience(or how it's written). i'm heavily expecting the new roof tutorial

MoonlitMaidenMar 19, 2007

Hey Andy, so sorry Seasons is giving you such a headache! I've had very good luck, no crashes and my "lousy" video card is doing fine. With "boolprop useshaders true" I can even see the fish in the ponds! I'll PM you about the problem, maybe I can help suggest something. \:\) Gina

RainncandyMar 18, 2007

Beautiful homes! I see why you are featured. Thanks!

Deanna73070Mar 18, 2007

Even better than that, Andy. They've allowed it in the EP now so you don't have to lift the floor walls to recolor them. You just pick a style of wall now and place it on the wall of the pool just like you would to place wallpaper, paint, paneling, etc., on house walls. Isn't that great? I'm so sorry that you can't play Seasons, yet. I hope you get to soon, though. Having a great night! Hope you are, too!\:\)

chocolatecraZ92Mar 17, 2007

Your houses are incredible. Thanks for the cool stuff.

super_niinMar 17, 2007

coool im totally gonna use the new tutorials\:rah\: \:D \:\) \:cool\:

Deanna73070Mar 16, 2007

Hiya Andy, just stopping by to say hello!\:\)

prin6jeMar 15, 2007

Hi Andy! Thank you so much for congratulating me \:wub\: I hope you have a wonderful day!

super_niinMar 14, 2007

You make great stuff \:D thx for all ur tutorials

pink.lemonadeMar 14, 2007

hey, thanks for ur kind words! glad ur feeling better, i'm laid up in bed at the mo with the lurgie, did u send with ur tutorial?!!

hopeful4everMar 12, 2007

ur welcome,and keep up the good work,for everyone's sake\:o .good week to u too\:cool\:

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