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Tiko's Guestbook

Dark Laguna 47Jan 20, 2007

Hi,I just wanted to thank you for all your work and tutorials .They are really great and helpful.You are really talented \:\)

sarajmacJan 20, 2007

i love your italian stone collection its made and your houses my sims love them thanks and keep the great work coming\:wub\: \:D \:o \:\( \:\)

mury61Jan 19, 2007

Happy New Year!Your creations are amazing!\:D

TheMistress666Jan 19, 2007

Hiya Andy!! hope you enjoyed your Christmas and new year! well, not having any hassling "Aaaandy how do you do this? im Stuck!!!" emails off me! Truly Humbly honoured at your lovely comment on my tute, that meant so much from someone so talented... No I dont want anything... yet... but Im grovelling in preperation, keep you sweet n all that \:P I just love those japanese buildings you are doing at the moment.. they are beautiful! Take Care, ~Claire~ \;\)

didi610Jan 19, 2007

I love your creations!\:D

Mistress UselessJan 18, 2007

Happy New Year!

BLewis823Jan 18, 2007

\:wub\: \:rah\: OMG!! I am so honored by your reply. I love alot of your lots and read through some of your tutorials. I really love the new Japanese lots you've uploaded. They are fantastic. Many thanks to you. I have a lot now, another beach house \:o, that I will upload this weekend. Just tweaking it a bit now. Thanks again.

MoonlitMaidenJan 18, 2007

Hi, Andy! Thanks for the heads up on your upcoming island lots. I've been a fan of yours ever since I downloaded Aqua Libra 'way back when I first "graduated" from Sims 1 to Sims 2. You just get better and better! My 512MB of memory is no match for some of your grander lots, but I download them anyway just for the inspiration. \:\) Gina

eviJan 17, 2007

The sight of the snow is not unusal to Athenians anymore Andy(Greece is made of mountains which have snow in the winter). With the whole planet's climate changes we even had snow in Athens a couple of years ago that kept us off work for 2 days. I have taken pics that I would not have never dreamed as a child! As a matter of fact I adore snow! \;\)Have a good day and thanks once more for your wonderful creations

arshaJan 15, 2007

Hi,Andy! I have upload my house with your exterior walls and one white wooden floor to my sim site.\:P Of course,I have making link to you and I'd like to say thank you for sharing your beautiful creations. If you have time,please visit and check my work.\:D Thanks!! http://invisible.s228.xrea.com/09/index.html

KoungaJan 15, 2007

You make such a great job! Wow!Your lots are wonderful!\:rah\:

tabokyJan 14, 2007

Hey Tiko, just say all the stuff of yours is mad and that i sorted out my avatar problem, i also found out it said i was accualy a girl on my profile so i changed that(go me) it took ages ( rughly two dunny breaks) to figure out how to change my profile, but i did it! \:rah\: Anyway your Island Paradice house is sick. Thanks for everything, Taboky

Pete789Jan 14, 2007

You are welcome. \:D

laivine_erunyauveJan 14, 2007

Hi! I just want to say that your tutorials are really good!! Thanks \:\)

kenzerzJan 11, 2007

hey tiko! i just wanted to tell you your creations are amazing! i've used your pool waterslide instructions so many times! i just wanted to say thanks and keep up the good work\:\)

iZazuJan 10, 2007

Thanks for your well wishes for the New Year! I hope your is a Healthy, and Prosperous one too Andy! Thanks again, Linda

Cerulean TalonJan 10, 2007

Hi Andy!!!!! Glad to see you back. I just got back Monday (in time for work hehehe). I've been working on the Challenges and learning to do more than build. I plan on posting some Sim clothing I made. I found out I actually love the artistic potential in creating clothes and am now working on objects. I've got 4 tutorials nearly finished, but am not sure when I'll submit them. So, I've been Sim-busy even thought I was mostly away from the internet. \:D Smiles, hugs and happy 2007 wishes! Yolanda \:wub\: \:D

JirkaJan 10, 2007

Hi! Thank you very much \:\) And I must say that I'm amazed by your lots! But have a good year you too :P

PalinaJan 10, 2007

Hi Andy!!! I wish you a good day...Many kisses for you!!!!Gisella\:wub\:

arshaJan 10, 2007

Hi! Thanks for answer about my ask. Andy! I'm very glad I can use your walls. I'll tell you here again when I upload my house with your walls. I saw your blog and saw previous photos. It's Amazing~~! I can not wait to see them\:ph34r\:

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