TwilightDreamer (3052995)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (26 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Salor moom
Published Nov 28, 2010
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I dont care what u have to say about that
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Old TSRWritten Oct 09, 2013
Is it just me or was the old TSR better. I really wish they didn't change it. I liked being able to earn points everyday to get free stuff or even a free subscription for a day. Technically this website is illegal because they are not suppose to be able to sell content because the sims 3 has all the rights to it. so I mean they could at least go back to letting us earn free stuff. It's... ...More
YAYWritten Nov 09, 2010
Okay so I am more than half way to 7,500 kudos. Thank you all that have help me :) ...More
Requests for simsWritten Nov 05, 2010
Well My friends seem to like my sims I make, I have been told that my sims actually look like the person I am trying to make the sim look like, so I have decided that I would take requests for sims. I would like if you would request celebz since it would be easier for me to get pictures, but if you want me to make one of you or someone you know I can see what I can do for you of... ...More
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squarepeg56May 25, 2013
Hi- wow-got all confused there-I did write that he's the lead of Falling in reverse and the former lead of Escape the fate-whewwww-I'm old but not senile yet
MayMay05Nov 26, 2012
It's me! Bookmark me :3
KellBell91Nov 26, 2012