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VictoriaGrace's Blog

Poll Results

Out of 202 participants in my latest poll, the results are as follows:

UNFURNISHED 32.02% (65)


BRIGHT & COLORFUL 19.21% (39)
DARK OR GOTHIC 4.93% (10)
REGAL & ELEGANT 20.2% (41)
COUNTRY CHARM 5.91% (12)
ALL KINDS 48.77% (99)


ORDINARY 54.19% (110)

Can I have your opinion?

Hi there friends, I'm busy working on a new large lot, however as I create sometimes I find myself tiring and needing a break.. When I do, I work on smaller projects, wall hangings, wallpapers or floors. Here's something that tweaked my interest and I'm offering it in two matting colors. I just love it, what do you think?

Thank You!

To all of you who download my creations! I am very honored to be selected out of so many wonderful, talented artists here on TSR to be included in the Select Artist family! And there are many of you fabulous artists here on TSR who deserve recognition as well! I will do my very best to live up to the great reputation TSR has by producing creations to the best of my ability. Thank you for all of your kind comments! And special thanks to the people that helped me a long the way; JudyDoYaLoveMe (ha ha), MoonlitMaiden, Sesame and Pinecat! If you hadn't come to my rescue when I needed you I wouldn't be where I am today! And now I intend to pass it on! Warm regards to all! ~Victoria

Fabulous Sesame's Gorgeous Kitchen!

Amazing me once again by suprising me with an absolutely gorgeous kitchen set in my own name no less! How she knew just what I like is astonishing in itself, and to think that she took the time to make each little detail with me in mind! Thank you my thoughtful and talented dear friend! Testing the kitchen in my upcoming lot which will feature Sesame's elegant kitchen: I have tested the kitchen to make sure the occupants will use the kitchen facilities and not a bathroom to wash their dishes. Sims were able to use the angled trash compactor and counters. They used the diningroom to eat their meal; the kitchen island with the barstools to read the paper.

Busy~sick ~Busy!

Hello Everyone!
Between preparing our taxes for our business, being busier than ever at the clinic, fighting a cold then the flu, I've been trying to learn how to do object recoloring!Thank you for your comments! Here are a few pictures:

I've actually learned how(thanks to some great tutorials here on TSR)but haven't had the time to figure out how to package my creations to submit them! Sometimes I'm brain dead! Eventually I'll get it all figured out. In the meantime, I will submit some of my new creations in my new houses! I hope you will enjoy them!

Ocean Breeze Estate

I want to apologize to everyone that downloaded the original Ocean Breeze lot. The lot had faulty terrain which showed up blue in the game. I wasn't aware of the problem until recently. I had the lot pulled and I recreated a brand new Ocean Breeze Estate lot with only MoonlitMaiden's terrain paint. There should not be a problem now. It is very important that you have Bon Voyage for this lot to work properly. I took MoonlitMaiden's advice and fixed a lot of the little annoyances that were in the original lot. Also added some things, lights, etc.. and used different wall coverings. I personally love playing this lot because there is so much to offer a little Sim family, and I hope that you will enjoy it too!

More Pictures - Lot Coming soon!

The Ocean Breeze lot with the animated tropical paradise waterfall by alex stanton1983 at MTS2 has been sitting waiting for approval for 5 days now. I hope that it will be released soon. I'm going to upload some additional photo's of the Ocean Breeze lot here. In the meantime I have been learning to make wallpaper and I have been really enjoying it! I've always used other artists wallpaper in my homes to this point! Several little patio's off each side of the house. Each bedroom has it's own bathroom. There are two small entertainment area's for the children/or roommates. Rooftop decks as well, including one over the waterfall. I have put the Nursery next to the master bedroom on the main level for obvious reasons. If you don't have a baby, you can turn it into a sitting room for the master bedroom. The Nursery is also in close proximity to the Kitchen and a bathroom. I always put a library or office near the front entrance so that students have a place to put their homework (where WE can find it)!

Latest Headlines

Poll Results Can I have your opinion? Thank You! Fabulous Sesame's Gorgeous Kitchen! Busy~sick ~Busy! Ocean Breeze Estate More Pictures - Lot Coming soon!
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