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Created for: The Sims 3
This is my unicorn Rincewind. He is the the best friend and fellow of Amalthea which I've already submitted. Rincewood has a lilac,
metallic shiny fur with bright stars all over the body.
Typ: Unicorn - Male
Age: Adult
Traits: Obedient, Unicorn, Genius, Fast
No CC used.
I've used no skins, sliders or facemasks !
The EP Pets is required.
Thank you for downloading and have fun !
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1166802
ItemID: 1166802
Filesize: 703 KB
I've all expansions and stuff packs up to Diesel installed.
You need following Expansions :
Expansion Pack "Pets"
Created with Version: and Patch level :
This pet is created without skins, sliders or facemasks.
Just install the unicorn via launcher.
After installing, he appears in the - Create a Sim -(CAS) mode.
You'll find him between the precast(premade) horses,
so you can still modify the name, gender, character and appearance of the unicorn..
- Pet Gender: Male
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.