Windkeeper's Blog
Work in progress - modern wheelchair
This actually was requested by several people, so here you go, I'm working on a new wheelchair :). The chair will not move but simply act as an armchair. Also I had to lower the footrest to fit the sim pose. But other than that I think the wheelchair looks close to the real thing.
Additional OpenMe doors
Coming soon - a set of doors that match OpenMe doors and windows from Nightlife Expansion Pack. Thanks to knightguy82 for the idea of a glass door! The set will include matchind double door arch and also slightly different design of a single solid door. For more matching doors and windows see my OpenMe Doors and Windows set.
More hidden shelves added
Again, based on your comments I added five more hidden shelves that sit very low, just above the floor, to be used at the bottom of the endtables etc. The numbers are 1,2,3,3.8,and 4. They will be published tomorrow, Nov 2nd, but they are already included in the Hidden Shelves set zip file. Collection files are also updated. Thanks minsmusic for the suggestion.Halloween Tricks
A bit of this and that for Halloween. Halloween Tricks set coming October 28 and includes mailbox spiders with spooky interactions, glowing eyes that can be placed anywhere (cheat code might be needed), and vampire windows - duplicates of some Maxis windows modified so they do not let the daylight in. Note, the windows will not protect vampires during daytime, they simply help to make vampire dwellings darker.
Invisible wood part of a mailbox
If you like to move and hide your mailbox, this will make it a bit easier for you - invisible wood recolor for the mailbox. It is now included in my Mailbox Recolors set.
More shelves added
Based on your comments I created 2 more hidden shelves that will fit the smaller and the tall fridge: shelves 19.6 and 22.2 accordingly. They will be published tomorrow, Oct 14th, but they are already included in the set zip file. Collection files are also updated. Enjoy :)Diana Windows - part 2
I'm working on a second set of Diana Windows which will include my favorite curved windows. Though I actually haven't decided if I like them or hate them, lol, they take too much work! But they are ready now. The set will also include 2-tile round and regular windows and also 1-tile doors. Watch my calendar for the release date.
Hidden Shelves
I thank all of you who welcomed me back! Your comments and well wishes are greatly appreciated! :)Coming next week: one of my weird projects hehe - hidden shelves. I've created a bunch of simple shelves based on an endtable. Each shelf is of different height, starting at about coffee table level and all the way up almost to the ceiling. The shelves are numbered from 5 to 28 for easy handling. The idea is to help you stick objects into unlikely places lol! You place a shelf, put an object on it, then move the shelf with cheat codes if needed, and change its color to glass (for decoration) or invisible (to hide it). This will allow you to place the objects on window sill or piano top for example. This set is similar to my Spacesavers - Dresser Top Shelves one but more versatile. In fact, collection files that come with the new set will include both sets. If later on you decide that you need another shelf, 11.5 perhaps, let me know and I will add it to the set.

Diana Windows
This is a new collection of doors and windows that I hope to expand into several sets. Somewhat similar to my Tokyo set except this time the windows are full wall size, top to bottom. They also come with nice lattice style mesh insert. Some windows will have no glass making it possible to use them as patio windows etc. First set includes 8 frame wood colors.