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Wolfsim68's Guestbook

hiedibear75Jun 15, 2009

TSR approved Sammy. \:cool\:  Comes out on the 16th. \:D  Take care. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jun 13, 2009

I'm off to play & build, build & play. \:cool\:  Still no word on Sammy. \:confused\:  Take care. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jun 13, 2009

I've submitted Sammy & his collage to TSR so it's all up to them now. \:\)  Look forward to seeing what you think. \:cool\:  Take care hun. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jun 12, 2009

Cool! \:D  So we have a winner. \:cool\:  Well life is what it is.......I can either beat myself against a brick wall or I can roll with it, grab my paint and brush & paint a pretty picture on the wall. \:D LOL  I'll just get some more pix & then make up a nice package for him/you/TSR. \:cool\:  I'll let you know when he is uploaded & when he has been approved & when he'll be out. \;\)  Take care Shaz. \:wub\:

iZazuJun 11, 2009

Thank You Thank You Shaz! It was so nice of you to leave me a nice comment on my lot, Gilligans Walkway! I hope you enjoy it and have a nice upcoming weekend! Linda \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jun 11, 2009

Okie dokie Shaz. \:cool\:  I've got version #2 of Sammy. \:\)  I added more brown to the markings & (my graphics card is junk.......so my pix don't always show the colors TRUE) & I added some beige & yellow & gray to make the main color more champeigne colored. \:D  I have a screenshot of him & I hope he's a bit closer to your baby. \:rah\:  I'll be waiting to see what you think. \:D  Take care. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jun 1, 2009

Well thank you very much. \:wub\:  I try to let things go as quickly as I can. \:cool\:  It's that or suffer the migrain. \;\)  So although I'm a bit discombooberated I'm not doing too bad all in all. \:\)  They all live with their father & so at least he can't point the finger at me. \:P LOL  They live a couple cities (the cities where I live are pretty small by California standards) over about a 30-45 minute drive.  So I'll still be close enough when Kirstin has her baby I can get to the hospital and everything. \:D  I was really hoping to go ahead & do this sort of thing in oh say about 5 more years. \;\)  Oh well. \:wacko\:  Well thanks again & I'll drop by again soon. \:cool\:  Take care Shaz. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jun 1, 2009

Hello. \:wub\:  Well I wanted to stop by to tell you I have not forgotten about making Sammy for ya. \:cool\:  I've just been hit with a ton of real world bricks. \;\)  My 16 yr old is going to make me a grandmother & my 11yr old seems to be doing everything with in his power to get kicked out of school. \:eek\:  The booger brought a BB gun to school. \:mad\:  And I think it is obvious what my 16 yr old was up to. \;\)  So things are a bit caotic at the moment. \:wacko\:  Sorry about the delay. \:confused\:  Hope you had a wonderful weekend Shaz. \:wub\:

goldappleMay 29, 2009

Oh dear!! I guess I used my free day tooo soon...now I'll be missing some of the lots!! I should have paid closer attention!!

spitzmagicMay 25, 2009

Hiya ((((Shaz)))) ahh I see you found my baby Sal-meowieo. Yep when I first got him he was as white as snow except for his face and feet and the places that were suppose to be dark. And then it was like I woke up one morning and he was dark all over. Though mine is not full blood he is missing the meow part. He's one big kitty weighed more then my gradndson at one point. He broke his leg climing over the neighbors fence a while back cost a small fortune to fix it, so needless to say he don't get to go outside unsupervised very much. He's about 7yrs and he still suckles on my shoulder at night. It's the cutest thing, though my husband finds it annoying because he makes that loud smacking noise at bedtime.LOL He's the only thing you hear besides that and purring. I think it's funny, then he'll curl up on my pillow and fall asleep. When I was little we had a Lynx Point. She was my baby. I had her for 16 years and lots of litters, lost her several times. She always found her way home. Thank goodness kitty's have nine lives.  \:wub\:  Sooo thank you for commenting on my meowio  \:wub\: -barbara  

hiedibear75May 25, 2009

Recognize the location of the fly swarm pic? \:D  That would be Owen Munny's death by flies. \:ph34r\:  Kicking the bucket on your lawn. :P  OK darker eyes & "points". \;\)  I'll add in some brown & fix it. \:D  Were the markings OK.......as in where he is colored?  And I hope you like the ears.....I lengthened them a bit not to make them excessively long.......just excessivly cute. \:cool\:  I like his ears. \:wub\:  My cat Oreo has this thing for his ears being squished and gently pulled.........makes me want to try squishing (in a good way of course) Sammy's ears. LOL  \:cool\:  I am working on remaking the home business you saw all the food in. \;\)  Before my laptop died I had sent a few of my friends some of my lots to try out & see how well their Sims were able to run the businesses or what ever lots I had sent........well lisa9999, squeakers, & Amelda-C (used to go by Amelda Cousins & her daughter is UV short for Ultra Violet) were nice enough to have sent me a few of the lots that they still had on their desktops or what have you back to me. \:rah\:  So even though I still can't have cc in my game I can still take the lots & fix what ever gets messed up when the cc is taken out of it. \:D  So thanks again & so long as you are happy as to where the markings on Sammy's face & all are I will darken him up.......maybe add a subtle gray to the white as well. \:D  Thanks again. \:wub\:

hiedibear75May 24, 2009

I have a new screenshot that you may want to take a look at. \;\)  Feel free to tell me it it isn't quite right. \:cool\:

fabrizioammolloMay 23, 2009

Hello, you are welcome. Your lot are awesome! F.

MJxoMay 22, 2009

Your Welcome! Have a nice day\:D Mariah.

cippa1982May 22, 2009

Hi Shaz! Thanks for the congrats about my promotion! Have a nice day! Cippa \:D

hatshepsutMay 22, 2009

Hi Shaz and thank you for the lovely compliment on my Little Gems set.  It means a lot and I hope you enjoy them in your game.\:D

trauermarsch79May 22, 2009

You have one mixes of brilliant houses in your Screenshot, to him stimulate give to take over some of your architectural achievements! \;\)

trauermarsch79May 22, 2009

Your shot "Ravenswood" is really really beautiful, if is the absolute dream of a scenery! 

Marauder281May 18, 2009

Thanks for the really nice comment on my lot "Cool Ranch!" !!! It's just fantastic to hear such nice comments from fellow builders! I agree, the lot will look great in a rural/rustic location. The real life house I loosely modeled it after was on a lake. I'm glad you like the house! ~John

WeavingWomanMay 18, 2009

Hi Shaz! I am glad the squirt of water did the trick.  The thing is you really have to be consistant with the training.  I am sure as soon as my mad little critters see the water pistol come out they will return to being angels - at least when mommy is home.  \:D  I am on #4 & #5 as far as cats go.  All previous died at a ripe old age.  The last cat to pass on was 20 years old.  These two are still babies - just under 2 years.  I have several auto-immune disorders, so mine are front de-clawed when they are spayed/neutered.  They all have been strictly indoor cats.    Tami

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