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Wolfsim68's Guestbook

WeavingWomanMay 16, 2009

How is Sammy getting along with your dog?  Cats are amazingly quick to train.  After my daughter's cat moves out, mine are going back to boot camp for some intensive training.  No counter jumping!  I hate cats on food surfaces.  I just need to find a good water pistol.  After a few days of scrutiny and squirting, they catch on really fast.  No yelling, hitting or anything cruel is involved.  Just a spritz of water on the offender.  \:\)

rodentredMay 14, 2009

you're welcome

Marauder281May 4, 2009

Wow! I am absolutely honored that you've downloaded one of my lots. So much so, words are escaping me right now. Thank you for the fantastic comments on my lot 'Sundance'!! It should fit in very nicely in one your custom neighborhoods. Have fun with it! ~John

IllianaMay 4, 2009

Hello Shaz! Well, I already had Heaven and Happily Never After...you know I just HAD to get a new 'Hood to play with...and I only use yours! \:wub\: They are well planned, beautiful, offer a variety of lot placements and sizes, and are easy to play! What more do I need to say? \:D I also wish to thank you MOST humbly for the kind note you left on the Cassidi lot. Your messages mean more to me than you will ever know. You were always so very kind to me when I first started uploading...and you continued when I became an SA, and even today as an FA you have never been anything but amazing! You were the first FA to say anything on my lots, and it was so encouraging...I can't begin to tell you! So thank YOU for all you've done, all you continue to do, and for just being you. I think having you here makes TSR one of the luckiest sites on the web! (((Hugs!))) - Tammy

fabrizioammolloApr 29, 2009

You are welcome! I hope to see soon new work from you \:\). Have a nice day. F.

MJxoApr 27, 2009

Your welcome\:rah\: I love your creations\:wub\: You build wonderful lots\:\) Have a nice day. Mariah.

maxi kingApr 17, 2009

\:wub\:You welcome,I realy love your work!Have a nice weekend!Irmtraut\:wub\:

skystars5Apr 14, 2009

Hi Shaz! I've just stopped by to spread a little love and hugs to all of our truly gifted and wonderful FA's. You know how good you are and have many, many fans, that's all that's important. (((HUGS)))\:wub\: ~Marilyn

mariluApr 11, 2009

Bunny rabbits, painted eggs and sunshine ... it's Easter time! Wish you happy days. \:\)

SuzanneMarieApr 7, 2009

I can't believe the time and creativity it has to have taken you to build something like an entire tri-county and then some. I can't wait to set up my beautiful new neighborhoods--I almost feel guilty, the hard work has already been done! lol Great work! Take Care, Suzanne

pigtail1Mar 27, 2009

hey shaz...thanks for the renovation challenge...it was great fun...my hubby and i bought our home on the internet...thank goodness it was in much better shape though...glad to hear you are "going steady"...keep up the great work...xoxo..KER

strange_characterMar 23, 2009

You're very welcome sweetie, you did excellent work on them; very much deserving of good comments, you earned them. S_C

spitzmagicMar 21, 2009

Hi ya Shaz (((hugs))) Just had to let you know. I finally got to play in the  Haunted house. LOL I found it to be very much fun Indeed. Wow my sims go into heart attack mode and freak out. Warning do not put a "cleanfreak" sim in it. They will go insane LOL! That right there is fun to watch. \:D Thank you so much. I love it. Have a wonderful day. Toodles \:wub\: - Barbara

Simpetuous1Mar 11, 2009

I just keep stuffing your stuff into my game.  \:D  I never cease to be amazed at your creativity.  I don't think you've built a house yet that I didn't love.  I have been working on a hood based on your Stoneyville layout and houses.  I call it my "dollhouse hood" because I just love going into those houses and playing with them like I did with my childhood dollhouse....only these houses can have living dolls in them.   I don't worry about careers, money, or any of the usual game stuff...I just play.  Thank you for the hours and hours of fun you've given me.  I hope you are finding happiness and peace in your life because you've given me so much of it in mine with your creations.  God bless. \:\)

joyfulsingerMar 9, 2009

Hi, Shaz!  Thank you so much for taking the time to build all of these wonderful lots.  I've been downloading your houses for a long time, and I'm anxiously awaiting the rest of the Stoneyville maps so I can complete my neighborhood!  Building is the hardest part for me, but I love creating the sim or family to fit the house, and it's so much fun when you've given us so much to work with!

spitzmagicMar 8, 2009

Wanted to sign your gestbook.  I am so in love with your lots they are amazing. Absolutely stunning..thank you so much :wub

ValgridaMar 5, 2009

Hi, I checked my bookmarked artists and noticed your news. I am so happy for you!! Enjoy all the good things in life! You deserve it!! Take care, Tiina\:\)

ettalongMar 5, 2009

Hi Shaz, Just read your blog and I am so sorry about your wonderful hubby. It must be so hard losing your soul mate and best friend. I know I couldn't live without my hubby as he is very supportive and loving. We lost my hubbys grandmother and father all in the space of 6 months and it was very hard, especially when you are close to them. So thank you for still finding the time to creative all your lots. I have just downloaded some of your terrains and I already have most of your lots so I look forward to putting them all together now. Anyway take care and thank you again for being a wonderful creator.

Horatio csi miamiMar 3, 2009

hey i read you'e blog and my heart went out to you i am so sorry for you're lose i losed my nan to cancer.  

dmama1314Mar 1, 2009

Hope all is well in Australia! \:\) I am still following all your SV lots and have almost the completed neighborhood. My computer is old and it takes forever to move across the hood since there is so much! \:lol\: but So worth it! I was so happy to see the renovator's challenge house on the maps. I loved that challenge! ~Dana

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