Toddler clothing on the way!
Hi everyone!
Heres an update on whats been going on in my world. (I'm sure you are all fascinated to hear about it..:p)
Been out of the loop a bit, been waiting to get a new computer after FedEx destroyed the other one. (grumble) They paid to have it repaired, but we just put the money towards a new computer. Its working out well so far. We have had it for a about a week, and things seem to be in good working order. I am so relieved! If I have to see the inside of another computer within the next year...
Anyway, now that we have it up and running, I have been busy at work trying to get caught up. Just submitted a set of toddler outfits that I intended on submitting during the nursery theme week. Its late, but I hope it'll do.. Heres a preview of my favorite outfit from the set.
I hope you all will enjoy it. I'm still at work with my Mens facial hair, its been a bit more work then I bargained for. :p
Anyway, until next time...adieu!