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Xandher's Blog

Eden Deja Vu

Finally! Finally, those much awaited skintones of mine are near release. Earlier today my Eden "clothing" was released, which I think is a fitting introduction to the entire set. I created those as a way of de-naughtifying the screenshots, so that they would be acceptable to everyone, and I think I succeeded. I actually really like the idea of them, because they fit well with the theme I had in mind, and you really can make an "Eden" of your own! I know I am having alot of fun with mine.:p

As for the skintones, there are four sets, and they will be released on the rest of the fridays remaining in March. I wish I could get it all out at once, since I have been looking forward to it for so long, but it is a huge set, afterall, and its probably easier to swallow this way. I really, really, hope that you all enjoy them. I'm very glad to finally pass them along.

Homme Boys...:p

Hi folks!

Happy Valentines day, (1 day late) I hope everyone had a romantic something-or-other planned. And if not, I hope you chuckled heartily at all those lovesick saps. Hehe

Anyway, as you can see, those mens t-shirt outfits were released yesterday. I hope it will be the first in a number of non-female releases from me. I would like to do some teen clothes, and especially some elder clothes. Please feel free to PM me with ideas and suggestions. I wont be making any promises, but I could use some inspiration.

I see that the results of my poll are leaning heavily toward hair retextures, and I have quite a few in mind. I'll be working on that next, and then I will dip back into an ongoing project of mine that is a resurrection of a popular project I did for Sims 1. Retro Fashion through the 20th century. Starting in the 20's and working my way through to the 70's. I'm especially excited about that, and If all goes well, It could be a great deal of fun.

Holy Simoly Recolors

Hey everyone! Been an eventful month or so in my personal life, so I have not been as on the ball as I would like with my updates. I hope to remedy that soon, though, starting with some recolors of Holy Simoly's Amarante set. By a mile, it is my favorite set of couches ever, and I could probably spend the rest of my "sim" life recoloring them. :P I hope you will enjoy them, and I also hope you will take a look at their site -
http://www.holysimoly.com/index.cfm?go=home.welcome - which is simply THE BEST free site on the web, period. You wont find better free objects with more amazing textures anywhere else in the Sims community, and their donation packs are the very definition of value for the money. Now that I'm done pimping them out, I'll fill you in on my plans for the next month or so. If you arent already sick of hearing about those skintones, they should be available in one way or another within the next few weeks. I have some more curtains textures for Simtomatics voile panel curtain mesh in the works, and also some mens jeans and T-shirts ready for upload. After that, I would like to get back into female finery in some form or another.But I would like to hear from you about where you would like me to focus my attentions next. Maybe you could help me out with that? Take part in my poll if you would, so I can determine what to work on next. Thanks for your time folks!!

Eyebrow Fever!

While we are trying to get the skintone situation worked out, I figured I would go ahead and upload some eyebrows that I have been wanting to release forever. Its a huge collection, with 15 different styles, broke up into three manageable parts. I have some retro styles for your period sims, some quirky ones for your unusual sims, and also some trendy and glamorous ones for your fashion forward sims. In the meantime, I'm trying to come to some reasonable compromises on those skintones set. Once all is said and done they should please everyone, I hope. Have fun with the brows!

News and some Thank-you's

I'm very thankful to all of you have emailed, PM'd and left comments for me. I've gotten many responses, and all of them echo the same point about the anatomically correct skins. I do want to clarify, though, that the skintones were not pulled without discussion, and the higher ups and I are looking for a way to have them up at the site in their current state, without offending anyone who is sensitive to that kind of content. I can assure you, one way or another they will be available soon, either on this site or maybe a sister site of some kind,;) and if all else fails, they will be available somewhere where anyone can download them.

Again, thanks so much for the support. Feedback like that lets the folks at TSR know what you the subscriber find important, and it certainly makes me feel good!


It seems I made a rather large gaffe when I released the first set of those skintones. They are anatomically correct, and TSR is a family friendly site. :o I am doing what I can to see if I can get the skins back up on the site, but I dont know what that might mean for the finished product. I will say this with all respect; I would feel pretty uncomfortable altering these skintones to be family friendly. The way I see it is, that if you would rather not see anatomical details, then you will almost certainly have the censor blur enabled, anyway. I hope those of you who were hoping to download this set will understand, and exhibit a bit of patience while I try to get this worked out. In the meantime, I offer my apology for making assumptions about TSR's audience. If I did offend someone who downloaded these skintones ( no complaints yet ) then I am very sorry.

Skintones etc...

Hi everyone!

Still working on getting those skintones in order. I will be releasing them soon on the site, and I want to make sure they are in perfect order when I do. I've been trying like heck to get rid of a slight seam that is showing on the neck, so if I'm able to get that fixed, I should be ready in no time. I think in the meantime I am going to release a set of victorian style brick walls that I have been hanging onto for what seems like a lifetime. I'm usually so busy with clothes and the like that these kinds of things get left on the back burner. I've been enjoying them a great deal, so I figured some of you might. I also have some pretty rustic wooden floors that I am thinking about releasing a whole set of, and also a collection of medieval walls, floors, ground covers, and even a roof that I'm really proud of. They are very old and weathered looking, and perfect for an old time pub. :) Hope you like them!

Formal Frenzy!!

As anyone visiting my page recently must have noticed, I am going a bit wild these days with the formalwear. Thats fine with me personally, because it is my favorite thing to do, and I have always had million of them waiting to update with. I do try to keep things interesting though, so although I will definately have more formal gowns coming, I am going to change it up a bit in the coming weeks by submitting my first set of skintones. This is a very exciting project for me, as it's been something that I have been receiving requests on for quite some time. I have always had my skintones in use personally, but I wasnt quite satisfied with them enough to release them to everyone. I have been working feverishly on them in the recent weeks, and I think that they are ready, finally.

Here is a little preview of some of the facial variations...

It is a very deep in terms of customization, and I hope everyone will enjoy it.

Until then, I have another formal dress on the way, and some lovley scroll necklaces based on Shannanigans fantastic mesh. Enjoy!

Seperates!!...And a comment on comments

Hey everyone!

Been a while since I posted, so I thought I would let you know whats on the way. I have been inpired recently to do some seperates. I've been focusing a bit on full outfits, which is fine, but I would like to have a few more shirt choices for my Sims, so I figured maybe some of you would, as well. I just submitted a set of shrug "sweaters" which will be released in a few days. They are very romantic and feminine. They are a little unusual, but I really like how they turned out.

I also have a collection of leather skirts for your sim ladies, complete with platform sandals, as well as some retro inspired formal dresses. Tres Sexy!

As for the comments..just wanted to say thank you to those of you who have left them. I read them all, they inspire me quite a bit, and I appreciate them a great deal. I have tried to get back to some of you, but it takes quite a bit of time, which I could spend making more things. My sentiment is usually the same, so I will say it to everyone; "Thanks for taking the time to let me know that you like the work I do. It means so much to me, and honestly makes it easier, and more enjoyable to create things for The Sims."

I spend an immense amount of time making the things I do, and I strive for quality to the point of exhaustion. Taking the time to let me know that my effort is appreciated has made it all worthwhile.


Monarchy in the USA!

Its been a little while since I have done any actual clothing, so I was eager to get back into that for my latest project. Its a collection of pretty dresses in nine different colors. It has a sequined butterfly pattern on the chest, and is ruched under that, and a mathching sequined hem. Its a combination of dress I designed a few years ago, and a shirt that I saw on the net that inspired me. I hope you all like it. I'll be updating with some hair in a week or so, so look out for those.

Back to work!

Latest Headlines

Eden Deja Vu Homme Boys...:p Holy Simoly Recolors Eyebrow Fever! News and some Thank-you's Woops! Skintones etc... Formal Frenzy!! Seperates!!...And a comment on... Monarchy in the USA!
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