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YrS92's Guestbook

RatRaceRobNov 15, 2010

Hellooooo, Senja!  Thank you for jotting that sweet note in my guestbook... I've been failing to keep up lately \:o , so I do very much appreciate you stopping by to let me know I'd missed a visit with the Gardens\:D !  As always, I enjoyed your latest episode so much, I had to be careful not to spew my cold tea and the cheese you left me while reading it \:P .  Thank you for entertaining me this morning, my friend, and have a wonderful week \:wub\:

fredbrennyNov 15, 2010

Thanks (((Senja))) \:wub\:  Your comments are really nice and much appreciated! \:wub\:

spladoumNov 15, 2010

Abracadabra really does follow Jamal around!  I'm sure one day Caitlin or Jeanie will lose patience and throw it away, but last time I checked, Trent had one in his inventory too!  Oh no. :P  I'm glad you're still reading and enjoying.  The forums seem to take a tumble every now and again, but I'm so used to it that I just refresh and do whatever it was I was up to.  I may be addicted. ... nah! \:D

spladoumNov 15, 2010

Poor Caitlin, everyone laughing at her misery!  When she finally fell, her scream echoed for a while and then faded out, LOL!  She must have dug a bit deeper than she intended to \;\)  Oh well.  Maybe she'll learn her lesson, but somehow I doubt it \:D

juhhmiNov 14, 2010

Hmm... tämä ohjelma näköjään tulkitsi sulkumerkintäni tai kirjoitusvirheeni hymiöksi.

juhhmiNov 14, 2010

Terve pitkästä aikaa, Senja! \:\) Minulla tämä jakso on mennyt aika kevyesti, ja pian koittaa taas uusi koeviikko. Englannin yo-tuloksia vielä odotellaan, mutta pian pitää jo aloittaa lukeminen kevään kirjoituksiin... Jos vain jaksaisi suunnitella, miten lukea. No, onhan tässä aikaa.   En ole rakennellut pitkään Sims 2 -pelissä; koulu (etenkin matematiikan opettajamme omalaatuinen laskulappujärjestelmä\;\) sekä Spore ovat vieneet huomioni.   Pian syömme isänpäivän aterian, joten pitää tästä lopetella.   Juhani \:\)

Nygirl08Nov 14, 2010

Glad you are enjoying my Story After Dark, it's funny how everyone keeps saying the skin was a giveaway, i think its just due to poor lighting, the lighting in alot of the bars especially the dive ones are strange guess i should have changed the color of it! because I use a twin for him that isn't a vampire, in all the shots where he isn't well shown in his vampire form! \:D

spladoumNov 13, 2010

Aww, thanks Senja! \:wub\:  And it's so funny that Darsheen should come out just a little different than the entire rest of her family. :P  A baby with Insane and Evil traits!  Oh my goodness, that's too funny.  I love her already. \:D

fredbrennyNov 13, 2010

Oh My goodness ... \:D I am so happy I make people laugh with this story of mine... it was as I intended. It is supposed to be funny and a bit bittersweet and a bit sarcastical... hahaha... Thanks dear (((Senja)))  I see your story is out... haven't checked the front page yet, but I am going to read that now. Have a great weekend (((vriendin)))) \:D

FlatterNov 7, 2010

Hi Senja, wonderful you enjoyed the last chapter of Sparklewood. I suffer with Jake when I make his life more miserably each day, but alas... it has to be. There is a saying in Germany: "Wenn Du Licht am Ende des Tunnels siehst, kann es sich auch um die Scheinwerfer des entgegen kommenden Zugs handeln". I think Jake would readily agree to it \:\)

Anakin StupaineNov 6, 2010

Hoi schatje, bedankt voor je lieve comment op mijn Bordeaux Barn huis! \:D Echt heel lief! \:\) Fijne dag vandaag schatje. x Daniel

srgmls23Nov 5, 2010

 olá (hi) Senja\:\) I want to thank you for all the comments you made about my work, you know I love getting comments,\;\)  but it is always late to thank them,\:o   though this time was not my fault ... have a good day ... hugs and kisses :P   Sergio

spladoumNov 4, 2010

Awwww, Senja! \:wub\: You are too sweet!  Well, Chapter Five is literally around the corner--I should have it completely together by next week--and I'll try to make it just as pleasing as all the others. \:D

fredbrennyNov 4, 2010

I am lOLLING right with you... This EP is too funny! I now have Barb and Fred in town and today I am going to build them a panthouse... hahaha... for a future story maybe... Thanks dear for the great comments on them screenies!!!! \:D \:D

RatRaceRobNov 2, 2010

Hello there, Senja!  I thank you most kindly for your sweet compliments on Flipside (4), wonderful to hear from you, as always-- didn't mean to leave you hanging on that Simlish-French question, but as I had already delayed my submission of (4) quite some time \:o , I decided to go with it as it was ((in my imagination, most chatter on location at the Marquis Vineyard would be in French, but ah well, I will for now leave it to the readers to decide how they imagine it \;\)))  Still, I do thank you for your glad offer to help me, and as I do love the Gardens' mix of language \:cool\: , I will always keep you in mind should I make any attempts at Simlish-French dialogue in the future \:D !  Thank you again, so very much \:wub\:

gissenceNov 2, 2010

Thanks Senja so much for the nice compliment you recently left about THE WAVE.

martoeleNov 1, 2010

Dank je wel Senja voor het commentaar op mijn verhaal 'Moon'. Knuffel ~ Margo. \:D

fredbrennyOct 31, 2010

My dear (((Senja)))  How's life on top of that pink cloud?  \:wub\:   \;\) Thank you for reading and commenting on "Swamped - 2" \:\)  The Hanky's are really keeping me busy... good thing my new EP hasn't arrived yet....Hugggs, Fred

RatRaceRobOct 26, 2010

Oh, sweet Senja, I am so glad you didn't choke on Jesse's video... yes, it is always best not to eat or drink when viewing anything with his bad self in it... I should add that to my directorial warning... LOL :P-- thank you for stopping by and sharing your laughter with me! \:D \:wub\:

Jennifer_ROct 25, 2010

Hey Senja! Thank you so much for your lovely comments on The Drifter. I really appreciate it and it makes my day to see you over there. I've noticed you have a few  more chapters out of The Garden Legacy and I will get to those asap. Oh and also the dazzling War. I'm actually going on holiday's very soon so I plan to catch up on my reading then. I have posted the finale to Part 2 of The Drifter when you feel like stopping by, again. Hope you are well and wishing you a wonderful week. ~ Jen

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