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YrS92's Guestbook

JCIssetteOct 2, 2010

Good morning, Senja!! Hope you are well. Thanks so much for your kind comments on Cresthill Road.\:D  It was a sweet little house to build and will be perfect for one or two sims. Hope you have a great weekend. Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

juhhmiOct 2, 2010

Ok! E on kyllä hyvä tulos, ja minullakin englanti keikkuu siinä rajalla... No, jaksele töissä! \:\) Juhani

FlatterOct 1, 2010

Hi Senja, big hugs for your lovely comment on Sparklewood. I do hope I can keep you entertained for some more episodes, you are always so kind with your feedback \:\)

martoeleOct 1, 2010

Thank you my dear Senja for your sweet words on the 3rd part of 'Under the same moon'. Ilona felt very comforted when I told her you that you were heartbroken \:rolleyes: , so you have done a good deed today! \:\)  Enjoy your weekend! Hugs ~ Margo.

RatRaceRobOct 1, 2010

Senja, thank you for that shower of sweetness on Flipside (2)... I blushed under my fur.  I did.  You are too kind.  I can't promise the next episode won't take three weeks to shoot like this last one did, but I will try \;\)... if you need a little something to hold you over, check out my gallery ((flip through it like a story to get the commentary))... it might amuse your wonderful sense of humor :P  --Have a fantastic weekend!\:wub\:

Emmy89Oct 1, 2010

Hi! thank u 4 ur nice comment on my picture Just A Little Taste! and electrical SHOCK at hospital.. I really appreciate it and it mean a lot to me!..Happy simming n hv a nice day too! Thx

juhhmiOct 1, 2010

Terve! Alkoikos teillä koeviikko? Minulla oli aika vapaa viikko: maanantaina vain helppo elämänkatsomustiedon koe ja ajotunti, jonka jälkeen iski flunssa. \:\( Jaksoin kuitenkin käydä englannin suullisessa kokeessa. Ensi viikolle jäivät sitten matikka ja fysiikka, jotka eivät tuottane vaikeuksia. \:\) Juhani

spladoumSep 30, 2010

Thanks, Senja! \:wub\:  As soon as Merkjet came out of the sarcophagus, she went straight for the stereo \:rolleyes:  It was clearly meant to be! \:D

ShelleyBSep 30, 2010

Thank you for taking a peek at my butler; he was fun to make. Since your stories are so good, your comment gives me courage to start a story of my own.

fredbrennySep 30, 2010

You are absolutely right about Ma and Ted Hanky... Comments like yours help me get my story together!

RatRaceRobSep 28, 2010

Senja, I love your dry sense of humor, I absolutely love eet\:P ... and by the by, I also loved your Prelude ... so sorry I hadn't told you before, just realized I never commented, I am so ashamed \:o... with or without the screenshots, it captured my imagination and I do hope you get the chance to continue with it! \:wub\:

Jennifer_RSep 27, 2010

Hey Senja honey! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I know you are very busy with work and studying, I honestly don't know how you find time to sim! But I guess if you enjoy doing something so much then you make time. lol Good luck with your last exam. When do you get our results back? I think we had to wait for ages when I was at school but that was about 12 yrs ago. lol Have a great week and looking forward to the next update of The Garden Legacy. ~ Jen \:wub\:

spladoumSep 27, 2010

Hi Senja!  Thank you for commenting on The Stones AND on my silly screenshots \:D  Made me very happy indeed \:wub\:

sleeplessSep 26, 2010

Hei! Kiitos uusimmasta kommentistasi \:wub\:

FlatterSep 26, 2010

Hi Senja, big hugs for your wonderful comment on the latest Sparklewood episode \:\)  I really appreciate your feedback, it's always such a boost to morale \:\)

Anakin StupaineSep 26, 2010

Dankjewel voor je lieve guestbook entry, schatje \:wub\: I always like writing in your guestbook, especially after you've left me a nice comment like that! \:D Ik mis je heel erg, liefje. Ik kan niet wachten tot het Oktober is... \:\) *hugs* -Daniel

samusa06Sep 26, 2010

Hi Senja! \:D Thanks so much for commenting on my Squirrel Point Lighthouse!.. \:wub\: I really appreciate your feedback!

katalinaSep 25, 2010

Hiya Senja\:D Thanks for the sweet comment on my shabby chic cottage, glad you like it and I have made a sim to move into it and love the little house. Have a wonderful day\:wub\:

kuebelpflanzeSep 25, 2010

Thanks for your nice comment on my lot. This means a lot to me \:\) Have a great weekend^^

luckyoyoSep 24, 2010

Hi, Thank you for your sweet comment on my screenshot Don't Leave Me!  I really appreciate you taking the time to comment, yes she is pregnant, will spoted! \:wub\: Dee

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