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YrS92's Guestbook

missyzimSep 24, 2010

Hi Senja! Thanks so much for your nice comments on my Victorian Rowhouses. \:wub\:

martoeleSep 23, 2010

Hallo Senja! Dank je wel voor je lieve woorden in het commentaar op mijn verhaal 'Under the same Moon'. \:wub\:  Ik ben blij, dat je het leuk vindt. Knuffel ~ Margo. \:\)

WackyBirdSep 23, 2010

Hi YrS92, thank you for the nice comment on my screen shot Bearing Sun Strait. I'm glad you like it. Hope you have a wonderful day.

spladoumSep 23, 2010

You're right, Senja, I was very lucky.  The motorcycle moves so fast that Rosalind "ran through" several cars just driving through town \:eek\:  I might switch her back to her regular car soon.  That girl is nothing but trouble! XD

fredbrennySep 23, 2010

Dank je wel Senja! \:wub\: voor je commentaar bij de screenies! Fijne dag!!!

juhhmiSep 23, 2010

Ei se mitään! Kiva kuulla, että englanti meni mukavasti. Tarkistelin omia vastauksia, ja monivalinnoissa oli tullut ainakin 10 virhettä... \:\( Toivottavasti pisterajat alenevat.   Jaksele historian lukemistesi kanssa; minulla ei vielä ollut muita kirjoitettavia.   Juhani \:\)

sleeplessSep 23, 2010

Hei. Kiitos kommenteista...on mukavaa saada palautetta \:D

spladoumSep 23, 2010

Thank you, Senja!  It was definitely a fun screenshot to take \:wub\:

martoeleSep 22, 2010

Thank you very much Senja for taking the time to read and comment my new story 'Under The Same Moon'. I know that you're a busy woman so it appreciated twice. \:D  Hugs ~ Margo.

juhhmiSep 20, 2010

Tänään oli sitten englannin opiskelun loppuhuipentuma! Miten koe tuntui menevän? Mielestäni se oli aika helppo, mutta vielä ei voi arvailla tuloksia... Entäs kirjoitelma? Itse valitsin aiheeksi matkailun riskit ja sain siitä ihan mukavan tekstin. Kokeen jälkeen oli kyllä aika tyhjä olo. Juhani \:\)

spladoumSep 20, 2010

Hi Senja!  Thank you for commenting on all of my screenshots. \:D  I was doing a "dry run" with a SimBot and a baby just to see how a few ideas might work for my legacy story, so sadly, Marianne is no more \:\(  She was  awfully fun to play with all yesterday evening though!  

hatshepsutSep 19, 2010

Thank you for your lovely compliment on Carradice Drive. \:wub\: I like to take pride in creating homes rather than just houses and it means a lot when that effort is noticed. \:D

FlatterSep 19, 2010

Hi Senja, thank you so much for your wonderful comments on Sparklewood. \:wub\: Your unexpected compliment about my writing style made my day, especially considering it came from a recognized mistress of the pen! Have a great Sunday!

spladoumSep 18, 2010

Yes, I've made the error of bringing the first two generations of the Steel family into the house, so every night they wake up the youngest child by turning on his stereo ... obnoxious people!  Maybe I'll send them all back to the graveyard one day :P  Are you going to continue The Secret of Lost Time , or is that a done deal?

Anakin StupaineSep 18, 2010

Hoi liefje! \:wub\: Heel erg bedankt voor je lieve GB entry, ik vind het echt super wanneer je van die lieve berichtjes achterlaat bij mij, ze vrolijken me altijd op en zorgen er elke keer weer voor dat ik iets liefs terug schrijf in jouw guestbook. \:D Ik ben nu klaar met werken, dus ik ga naar huis... \:\) Ik mis je, schatje. \:wub\: *hugs* -Daniel

spladoumSep 18, 2010

Hi Senja!  My legacy's completely out of hand, with ghosts running wild and girls drawing photos of Asian dreamboats! XD

fredbrennySep 18, 2010

Goedemorgen (((Senja))) \:\) Bedankt voor je lieve commentaar! I too am wondering what my next story will be about. I am playing that family now till deep in the night and somehow, somewhere a story line will present itself. I need to know where I am going with this first \;\) Meanwhile I will build and play ...and take screenies! Hyvää viikonloppua\:cool\:

JCIssetteSep 18, 2010

Good morning, Senja. Thanks for yet another compliment on my lots. Builders seldom download other builder's lots, but if you really wanted a lot, you can still download it and replace the store items with your own CC or EA as long as it is not a build item that would affect the look or structure of the lot. The lot will install without the items or they are replaced by EA items. Certainly not as pretty, but the structure and interior decor is all there. And I think you can install lots without CC in the launcherl. You probably know all that, but thought I would let you know anyway. LOL Well, have a great day and it was really good to hear from you. Hugs, Judy

JCIssetteSep 17, 2010

Good afternoon. Love your avatar. I take it you are a fan of Audrey Hepburn. Me, too. I just wanted to thank you so much for those kind words on Chanson Road. It is just a plain little houes, but functional. You are building some nice lots, also. Have a great day, Hugs, Judy\:wub\:\:D 

sleeplessSep 17, 2010

Hei...minä täällä taas kiitän kauniista sanoistasi, joita kirjoitit kuviini \:D

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