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YrS92's Guestbook

spladoumSep 17, 2010

At least you got Sims wearing relatively cute stuff! Mine wear formal clothes with ugly boots or the rubber ducky shirt and kilts!

ValukaSep 17, 2010

Thank you for your lovely comment on my Gardenius College. I am glad you like it. Have a nice day)))

IreneGouretSep 16, 2010

Hi\:\)Thank you very much for your nice comment on my screenshot. I'm  very glad you like it. Have a great day\:\)

juhhmiSep 16, 2010

Etköhän sinä sieltäkin L:ään ponnista! \:\) Opettajan mukaan joku on saanut vielä 75 pisteellä L:n. Ja onnea! (olemme ajautuneet onnentoivotusten kierteeseen...) Juhani \:\)

spladoumSep 16, 2010

Awww, Senja, thank you! \:wub\:

juhhmiSep 15, 2010

Kiitos kysymästä; katsoin vastaukset, ja taisi lähteä vain 5 pistettä monivalinnoista \:D (avokysymykset taas..?). Toivottavasti migreenisi helpottaa ja saat luettua. Tiedän, kuinka inhottavaa päänsärky on \:\(.  Ja vielä onnea! Juhani \:\)

sleeplessSep 14, 2010

Hei \:D ...huomaa etten ole oikein nukkunut. Iso kiitos kauniista sanoista joilla kommentoit tonttiani River Cottage. 

sleeplessSep 14, 2010


fredbrennySep 13, 2010

That was an unexpected upload from me... the last big Estate in Dutch Style.  Thanks for commenting on it! I wanted it so much to be free, but somehow some FA's terrain paint got stuck and now it's subscriber only... bummer....

shaml_sim Sep 13, 2010

Hi there Senja! It takes me so long to get back to all the lovely comments everyone leaves me on my story but they are no less appreciated \:wub\: So, thank you very much for catching up on more of Jack and his journey to find love. I'm pleased you enjoyed it and that you were happy to find out that I was going to continue it \:\) Even I wondered if I would ever get the second chapter out, haha. But I have to finish everything I start so I will be writing this story until the end. Hopefully the next chapter won't take me so long but I can't promise anything unfortunately. Anyway, thanks again and have a fantastic week!

fredbrennySep 12, 2010

(((Senja))) You just made my day with your comments on my screenies! Yes... usually a new story forms in my mind when I (together with my friend Mariska (Haagje), who was here this weekend) create new characters..LOL So probably the Hanky family will be the subject of a story that still has to present itself. The characters have it though.. the will be perfect. We need drama though, and that has to come up while playing them. I usually write that way... They will write their own story, I have to just fine tune it. \:D

juhhmiSep 12, 2010

Taidanpa itsekin katsella ja kuunnella noita BBC:n videoita! Kiva, että lukemiset ovat edistyneet, ja sain muuten koottua itseni ja tehtyä niitä tehtäviä. Juhani \:\)

RatRaceRobSep 11, 2010

Hello there, Senja, great pen of the Gardens!  Thank you for your fantastic comment on Flipside , I'm so pleased you enjoyed it, and hopefully this series will answer all questions as it goes ((it will be no trouble for me to make them longer, so you must not tempt me LOL \:P ))... truly wonderful to hear from you again, and have a superb weekend \:D \:wub\:

FlatterSep 11, 2010

Hi Senja, thank you very much for commenting on Sparklewood. I am still somewhat nervous how well the story will be received and I am happy for every charming "thumbs up" \:\) . Currently I am frantically writing on the continuation, while I still have some spare time. Have a great weekend!

juhhmiSep 11, 2010

Hyvää lauantaita! Viikot ja viikonloput tuntuvat vierähtävän aivan liian nopeasti. \:\( No, oletkos sinä jaksanut hyvin luettavien kirjojesi kanssa? Meidän pitää lukea äi6-kurssille Sinuhe, joten noudatin opettajan neuvoa ja luin sen jo kesällä. \:D Maantieteen tutkielmaa ja elämänkatsomustiedon tehtävääkin pitäisi tehdä, mutta jotenkin jäin vain tänne pyörimään... Ehkäpä kohta jaksan aloittaa! \:\) Juhani

PenelopeTSep 9, 2010

Senja, thanks for the sweet comment on my little 'Beachfront Living' home. \:\)

spladoumSep 9, 2010

Thank you, Senja! \:\)  I appreciate you taking the time to write me.  I'm glad you enjoyed the story \:D

FlexinaSep 7, 2010

Thank you so much for the comment on my lot Barley \:\)

Anakin StupaineSep 7, 2010

Hoi schatje, dankjewel voor het commenten op mijn Czech Republic gallery! \:wub\: I really appreciate that you take the time to go through them all and comment every time, again and again, but at least it gives me a reason to get back on TSR and comment back... \:D Ik hou van jou schatje! \:\) -Daniel

Anakin StupaineSep 5, 2010

Huomenta rakas, dankjewel voor je super lieve comments op mijn blog entry en nieuwe gallery! \:wub\: Ik ben blij dat je de foto's van New York City mooi vindt en dat geeft je dan ook meteen een preview voor wanneer we er met zijn tweetjes heen gaan... \:P Over die hoogtevrees help ik je ook wel heen, ik was ook doodsbang op de 92 verdieping van het Empire State gebouw... \:D Hugs, Daniel

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