aalyara (586825)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (46 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Blue Flowers Bedroom Set
Published Aug 8, 2006
About Me
There isn't much to be said about me. My friends call me Aalycat because I love cats so much, I enjoy a whole array of musical genres as well as movies & television shows. I have a habit of using British slang from watching too many brit shows. I love marine biology and culinary arts, but I get so frustrated with the remedial studies that I have to pass in order to get a degree. I love recoloring and making wall designs, but I'm often astonished by the end result - I never was a pink lover!
My Guestbook Show All
BEODec 04, 2011
You are welcome! I'm glad that you like my denim skirt! Thank you for your comment!
susheesimsJan 18, 2009
drewsolteszSep 24, 2008
Thanks so much for reading and commenting on "The Spurious Rake", I have a new story posted, "Escape From Fort Bravo" would be honoured if you read and commented! Cheers!