aprilramirez (1642588)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Betty Boop
Published Dec 26, 2007
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
I was introduced to The Sims 2 in Nov. of 2006, never even heard of The Sims 1. I went browsing around for a hobby and my kids told me I would like the sims 2 so I figured why not? Installed it and that was all she wrote, instantly addicted. I like to think I make neat little simple houses and create cool looking sims but I don't know how to really make clothing or objects....still can't figure out simpe so I gave up on that. I really enjoy the cc creators make so that I can take my creativity to a whole new level, thanks to all. Say hello please and sign my guestbook....don't mind me I'm kinda shy :-).
My Guestbook Show All
popsewiniSep 02, 2008
Thanks for commenting on my photo, UFO!
cariadbachMay 09, 2008
Saw in the forums thats its your birthday, so dropping by to wish you Happy Birthday, hope its a good one
maurieApr 02, 2008
Hi April! Thanks for signing my guestbook. I really appreciate the thought. I do enjoy your screenshots - they are really interesting.