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arenaria's Guestbook

oldmember_jigglypuffOct 31, 2004

Love the celebrity sims 2 faces. Please keep em coming.

oldmember_joegan4Oct 29, 2004

\:ph34r\: \:ph34r\: \:ph34r\: awesome can you make a 7 of 9 in her silver uniform please love to see it .. bet it will look fantastic. ty very much and have a great day Arenaria... wtg...

oldmember_HSSimMommy2004Oct 25, 2004

Awesome work on the Star Trek: Next Generation Sims. Absolutely stunning!\:rah\: I really like all of your work.

medic61Oct 25, 2004

sorry bout that.. she is posed on the sims exchange..

medic61Oct 25, 2004

Awesome.. cant wait to see more of the TNG cast. I hope that u will plan on doing voyager... \:D ? Janeway, Torres, and especially SEVEN. I tried to make my own seven. i used some stuff from publity pic of her. i think it was a good start. just needs some tweaking. you are welcome to download her ( i have her posted) and start from there if u think she is worth saving.. thanx!!

arenariaOct 23, 2004

Yes, I know, the Comm bad seems low, it isn't really though. Because of the way the BMP textures wrap around the clothing meshs,it was nessasary to lower the black area of the shirt farther down then it should be. The badge is on the BODY where it should be, but yes, it is in black area when it should be in the color section of the shirt. You would not believe how INCREDABLY difficult it was to get that dang black to run straight acrost to the shoulder section, it was a pixel by pixel job!!!

oldmember_CyberwulfeOct 21, 2004

I love you sims of the TNG Crew but you have the comm badge up to high it sits just below the black of the shirt. I'm a big Star Trek Fan. Beside the comm badge i think they look great.

arenariaOct 21, 2004

Deanna Troi is coming in the nest day or two! I am still working on all the different components. Chrusher will follow, she won't be to difficult as she has many standerd components. Yeah, the guys were time consuming, but fun. Like Picard he has custom: Hair, eyes, eyebrows, wrinkles (under costume makeup), chin stubble, and clothing. It would be easier if they would fix Bodyshop to be able to SEE the project your are working on, on the SIM of your choice. When I was working on Worf's forehead ridges, it made it ten times harder because I could not see the results displayed on HIM, until I "saved the file to game".

tracklessOct 21, 2004

totaly amazed at how cool they look \:cool\: keep up the great work and thank you for your time and effort that went into creating the trek crew

WembeleyOct 21, 2004

OOOh, I second the Deanna request, her eyes are so gorgious, they will take some work to duplicate.

WembeleyOct 21, 2004

I actually gasped when I saw your Jean Luc Sim. So many people post so called celebrities and they look nothing like the celeb. This is AMAZING. I've been collecting Star Trek clothing for the game so now I am definitely ready to start my StarTrek Family. Wow, wow, wow good job.

smokyqtz06Oct 20, 2004

Arenaria, I am sure you have increased the heartbeat of all Trekers in sims 2 land; I know mine is leaping for joy! "The Next Generation" guys are wonderful. I cannot imagine the work that went into them. Any hope of you making Deanna and Beverly someday? \:rah\: Many many thanks for sharing! \:rah\:

baby_unicornSep 29, 2004

will you have any indian your work

togisoSep 28, 2004

Hi aremaria! I read your bio....we are so very much alike. I am 49....married ..mother of 2 girls...and one of them made me a grandmother as well! As you said..he is the joy of my life right now too. I am also an artist, i do wood carvings...although Ive never tried to create anything in Sims.....I am very impressed with your work. Rock on Gma! toni

steveessexSep 24, 2004

Thanks for replying Arenaria. Sorry to hear that you are unable to get your files back off the CD. I also have lost work like that which is why I now use three hard drives!! If I think of something specific that I would love to see I will contact you. Thanks again Steve UK

oldmember_Khadijha2003Sep 23, 2004

I love the borg skins. They are just so beautiful...well not beautiful...they are unique...wait they are beautiful and unique...and I am looking for another word...--thinks hard...brain breaks--Oh, and they are special (isn't that a synonym for unique) Well anyay. Love the borg skins...please, send me a pm when (if) you ever do them in male.

steveessexSep 22, 2004

Hi Arenaria. I downloaded one of your hair creations and thought it was really good. Do you have any more? Steve UK

meyerjdSep 19, 2004


meyerjdSep 19, 2004

Awww ur stuff is so nice (SIMS 2) and I wanna ask somethin. Im from South Africa and Im playin sims from the day it came out. But! I have this dreaaaaaaam to make skins....I dont know how.. I have Photoshop but dont know how to get the skins into Photoshop and back in game again..Dont know how to change it in Photoshop too tho but that Ill learn by practise. hehehe ye Ill try.. But pleaseeeee if u can help me with that technical thingi to get it in and out there please???? Noone wonts to really bother emailing me back but ill try tho....Thanks Daleen at [COLOR=Navy][/COLOR]

amyopal12Sep 15, 2004

your stuff is pretty cool. I do vaguely remember the crazy daisy outfit. amyopal \:\)

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