bmertens65's Blog
Thanks for downloading my creations! They are doing great! and thanks for showing me love! Since my community park "Maywood Gardens Park" has done so well and you guys have given me such positive and great feedback, I have decided to do another park just for you! "Liberty Central Park" will have all the amenities and all the entertainment to suit any simmers needs. Its gonna be based off of the same design theme as "Maywood Gardens Park", but with its own elegance! I will upload it and hopefully have it published tomorrow or the next day :). Thanks again for making Maywood Gardens such a success!! :)
P.s. if you havent checked out my other creations, please check them out and show me some love!
Comments and Love
Hello everybody, thanks for stopping by! This is where if you have any comments or questions or even tips or ideas, Please let me know! I am just starting out doing I can take all the help and feedback I can get! If you like my creations or hate them...let me know. I will post more stuff the more feedback I get from you guys! If you want more show me some love! Thanks again! -BRIAN