bryk1984 (951370)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (11 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Published Oct 7, 2007
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About Me
Well let me think... I'm 29, and play the sims to relax and get away to my own little world.
Sorry for my long absence everyone, I have had some things in life to take care of and I just recently had a baby. Plus I had some problems with the game not wanting to run properly and then my computer gave me problems as well. I have fixed both (i got a new computer) and I should be back really soon to enjoy the stories and wonderful creations.
My Guestbook Show All
RIDanceMay 11, 2008
hi! thanks so much for reading and commenting on oasis island 9. i'm just dropping in to let you know 10 is finally posted. i hope you get a chance to read it!
RIDanceMar 07, 2008
Hey there! Thought I'd let you know that Oasis Island 9 is finally posted.
KayleenaGJan 02, 2008
Happy Holiday's to you!! Now that they're over, I hope you had fun!! Sorry for the late reply.