
175Creations 7,215,923Downloads

cazarupt's Blog

New Lot: Untouched Serenity

My latest lot is called Untouched Serenity. It's a beachside home with 2 bedrooms, 2 Lounges, A Study, Library, Kitchen Diner, Outdoor Pool, Garage, Extra Parking Space and Fully Landscaped Gardens. It's based on this house;
I have had to make some adaptations but I didn't intend to do an exact copy anyway. Here is a picture of the back of the property;

Hope you guys enjoy it. I will be uploading tonight.

cazarupt :)


Could Be Back At Sims 2...

Its only been a month since I last played it but im already missing The Sims 2 :(. So much that i might create for it again.

cazarupt :)

First Look at Sims 3

WOW! Sims 3 is amazing, isnt it? After waiting for over a year for the game, I came home on friday after school. only to fine my amazon pre order hadn't arrived! Infact - it hadn't even been dispatched! I couldn't even wait for another day to play The Sims 3 - so I cancelled the order and went out to the shops and bought it instead. I was up until the early hours of the morning that night playing!

At first, I found Create A Style incredibly overwhelming! I just couldn't belive what was possible with this stunning tool. I'm now able to make the fabric on the sofa and the armchair match... wow! The new ground paints are awedome - and im so looking forward to start building with the game - which I am starting to do! Look out for some more lots uploaded to TSR soon.

Another thing to mention - I hit 50,000 downloads this week! I just cant belive it! 50,000? Did I expect to even get 1000 - no! Im proud of myself for getting this far, and thankyou to everyone who downloads my creations! I literally could not have done it without you!

I'm also looking forward to the Sims 3 Home Design Competition here at TSR. As you all know - lots are my thing so I'll definately be competing. 1st prize here I come! LOL.

Thanks again to all my downloaders who helped me get to 50,000 downloads ;)

Taking a Break

I've decided to take a break from creating for a while. Everything is getting just a little bit too much! I keep getting problems with taking snapshots in TS2, I cant get Any Game Starter to work... and many more things. I've decided to dedicate my time now to actually playing TS2, and planning for The Sims 3. I will be back to create when The Sims 3 comes out.

Happy Simming!

Please check my minisite out when TS3 is released!


The Retro Papers Are Here...

I have finally submitted my retro papers set which a lot of people saw screenshots for. I couldn’t get batch edit to work so in the end I just entered the descriptions one by one. Hopefully it will be online within the next few days.



Happy Easter!

Happy easter everyone! Just posting to say happy easter and the fact that I will be going away fof the next four days so will have to pause my simming for a while! The lodge from the ski set is now finished, and I am half way through one of the vacation homes.

Happy easter again!



Another Download Milestone!

It's been only four days since I made my last blog post about downloads - 3000 on the 4th of april. Im so glad to say that today I reached 4000! This is another massive milestone for me - I hardly even expected any more than a few hundred at the beggining. Thankyou SOOOOO much to everyone who has downloaded one of my creations - i quite literally couldnt have done it without any of you! So how many downloads am I aiming for now... 5000... 10,000... 100,000? Who knows what lies ahead. I know that as long as I play sims, I will be here on the sims resource, uploading, downloading and everything in between. Again thankyou to everyone who has downloaded from me - and keep a lookout for more to come!


Mountain Vacation Update

Hello there everyone =)

The lodge for the ski resort set is getting on nicely. I have finally finished fiddling the top floor so I can fit in a few loft rooms and I am now starting on some of the interior design. The lodge will have 5 rooms, with one huge master suite. All of the rooms will have balconies. I am also considering placing a few log cabins hidden away in the woods... what do you guys think? Post your feedback in my guestbook or comment below!

Master suite living room so far (like the yellow?):

Master suie loft room:

Another one of the suites:


Hope you like it so far!

Mountain Vacation Set

On the way from me is a set of 5 lots, 2 hotels, 1 community lot and 2 homes (or vacation homes). These will fit around a french alps sort of 'ski' style, requiring bon voyage and seasons. These could be my best yet! I also have plans to create a moroccan style hotel (not part of this set). Hope you all look forward to them!

Here is a quick snap of the large hotel. It is a work in progress so doesent look perfect... yet! Post your comments telling me what you think and suggestions.

The lodge preview

Thank you So Much For 3000 Downloads!

I have officialy hit the 3000 downloads mark! Thankyou very much to everyone who has downloaded my creations, and please keep donwloading as there is more to come!

Latest Headlines

New Lot: Untouched Serenity Could Be Back At Sims 2... First Look at Sims 3 Taking a Break The Retro Papers Are Here... Happy Easter! Another Download Milestone! Mountain Vacation Update Mountain Vacation Set Thank you So Much For 3000...
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