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cazarupt's Guestbook

missyzimJun 20, 2010

Hello! \:\)  I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for the custom rabbit hole rugs. They're awesome! \:rah\: I made a hole series of old fashioned community lots using your rugs. I just placed them right outside the door of my buildings, so they look like real rugs, and they work great. Thanks so much for sharing them! Missy

paramitiJun 18, 2010 are you doing lately? i hope you are well and happy..i need your advice with something..i saw you are using the jfade TSR launcher..well i got to the point where i could no longer uninstall with the EA i downloaded the jfade worked great by programming in all the items and then telling the program to uninstall that i have downladed the jfade launcher..i have no idea how to start up my sims 3 after searching and searching i still do not know certainly will not start up with the EA launcher..any help is appreciated \:D

3litz996Jun 7, 2010

Ok, thanks \:\)

pink4vieJun 7, 2010

Hi again \:\) So I updated my game with the latest patch and the Fresco Dining Set works perfectly now! Thanks \:\)

SpillelskerMay 29, 2010

Hello \:\)   Just want you to know that I love your works!  : D

pink4vieMay 27, 2010

Hi Cazarupt! I really like your Fresco Dining Set but I can't seem to find it in my game... \:\(, this was just what I needed too! :P

IllandryaMay 18, 2010

Wow, thank you for the lovely comment you left on my gallery. There are a few more rooms to add now, but I just haven't gotten around to putting them up. I must admit, it was a lot of fun trying to use modern furniture to recreate an era long past \:\)

ertt95May 14, 2010

nice job i really liked the boat!

runesong54May 14, 2010

Oh I'm so glad you got Select Artist!  That's awesome and you sooo deserve it!

IllianaMay 13, 2010

Thanks for the sweet comment on my Greek set, Alasdair! \:wub\: You are a sweetheart!!!! \:D Love and hugs - Tammy

Jennifer_RMay 11, 2010

Hey Alasdair! How are you? Thought I'd just pop by and say, hi! I absolutely love your new boat The Marlin. Just amazing! I must check out your tutorial on how to build a boat but I doubt I'll have the time or paitence to complete one. Plus why bother when you are a master at creating them. \:\) Okay, enough massaging of your ego. Hahaha Hope your are well and I see your are busy with creating objects atm too, good for you. They all look wonderful and also the way you display them as well. I am completing the final part of The Drifter atm and I have some plans for your new boat in this part but I don't want to give anything away so I'd better stop now!  TC and hope your week is going well. ~ Jen \;\)

DOTApr 30, 2010

Hi hi \:\)  Thanks for lovely and kind comment on the SeaSide Set.  I think I need it to be summer \:D  I love the Mark Dining Set of yours \:wub\:

DT456Apr 26, 2010

That´s bad... Then I guess I have to comment it again! Kudos for you! \:D

drib_ydalApr 26, 2010

Flipped through your super tutorial.  Looks challenging and very tempted to try it out.  Thanks for sharing \:D

runesong54Apr 25, 2010

I checked out the thread on the world you are building.  AMAZING!

DT456Apr 22, 2010

No problems Alasdair! \:\)

mssmartypantsApr 22, 2010

I love all of ur creations, keep up the great work!!!

martoeleApr 21, 2010

Hi Cazarupt! I've thanked you already for the boat and you gave me permission to use it in my stories. Well I had a closer look to your work of art and I will definetely use it in one of my chapters of my story 'The Hunter Twins - Travelling'. I will send you a message when published (if you are interested to see it). \:D  Take care. Margo.

DT456Apr 20, 2010

Cazarupt, Cazarupt, Cazarupt......  YOU ROCK!!!!!  Your mesh sets are amazing! \:wub\:

simsjeanieApr 18, 2010

Good morning Alasdair, thank you so much for your reply about the rabbit holes! (So sorry that I didn't came here earlier, but time is just running through my fingers.)  That's exactly what I was longing for. I love to have some furnished rooms in a rabbit hole - even when the sims can't use them while being at work or whatever they do in that rabbit hole ... it's just a thing of looking like a real office or police station and so on. Though I don't know when I can begin because I'm so short of time at the moment, your phantastic RH are waiting for me at my Building-EA, and to be true - I can't wait to build one and try! That's an absolutely amazing idea of you!!! Now I can go and do what I was longing for - rabbit holes that fit an old fashioned village, not too big and reflecting the style of the village. I'm sure all the builders who love to build modern towns will love it even more! \:wub\:

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