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cazarupt's Guestbook

DT456Dec 19, 2009

Hi Alasdair! Merry Chrismast and A Happy New Year! Best wishes - Daniel! \:wub\:

hatshepsutDec 14, 2009

Hi hi and thanks for commenting on my terrain paints.  I hope you enjoy using them! \:D

DT456Dec 13, 2009

Okey! Thank you very much! \:wub\:

DT456Dec 12, 2009

Hey Alasdair! Where can you download the sink in the prewiew of your new chic tiles patterns? \:o I just \:wub\: that sink! 

Jennifer_RDec 4, 2009

Hey Alasdair, happy simming & hope you have a lovely weekend! \;\)

guyluvnthegirlNov 28, 2009

Thanks for the tiles. They are great. I want to use them in another house, after I decide on a floor plan that is.

libertyNov 27, 2009

LOL Everyone runs into the same mummie LOL I lost the fight do later I ran into a diffrent mummie so I ran away and closed the door (turning door) so it couldn't get me LOL  

paramitiNov 24, 2009

Hey i think i Totally forgot to Thank You for commenting on my Mysterious Palm Readers You!! i hope you have as much fun with it as i have been having \:D

Jennifer_RNov 24, 2009

Hi Alasdair, thanks for your lovely comment on my screenie 'Champes Les Sims'. I'm so glad you liked it. I still haven't explored Egypt or China yet, hopefully on the weekend. Chow for now! \;\)

alolengNov 21, 2009

It's now perfectly fine. You won't see the blue ceilings even though you used the CFE. Just try what my husband told me, you need to install it fresh from the start. Additional work though, because you need to install all the CC's again. I have a separate folder of my CC's, so it's easy for me.

alolengNov 21, 2009

Explore it. If you have seen something new aside from the recolors of fences and stairs, don't forget to give me an update. Enjoy your EP. \;\)

alolengNov 21, 2009

When will that be?

alolengNov 21, 2009

I also want to make a vacation house in different map. Like in China or Paris. I'm still experimenting on how to do that. I also don't know if it can be uploaded here if the location of the house was from China. Haven't also tried using the objects that comes with the EP if the submission page will automatically ask for an EP for downloaders. Too many issues \:D

alolengNov 21, 2009

I also tried the object creation, and I completely messed up on it, lol. Paintings and patterns, will be ok. But meshing and doing objects is way too out of my line. I'll just shop for objects here at our TSR artist than losing my hair doing just one square table. I'll probably just wait for that 5 days. It's easier to do lots now, since fences and stairs are recolorable, we don't need to adjust the furnitures for the available stairs and fences. Hope you'll enjoy the EP as I do. Keep on Simmin' Caz. \;\)

alolengNov 21, 2009

I have checked the upcoming, saying 0 comments. But I'll wait till it's published then. I'm okay, about the EP, I already have one. The only problem I'm experiencing with it is the TSR workshop, they need to have another update on the workshop. Since, I think it's not compatible with the new EP. But the game itself is terrific. The recoloring of stairs and fences is the most awesome feature for us builders. But I'm not using the EP's objects on my creations, I still don't know if it will show up as an EP item when you submit your creations or what. \;\)

paramitiNov 21, 2009

Hey again...Sue wrote this to me regarding the new patch...  "Thank you for the warning, but no problems whatsoever with the patch.  The problems people ARE having seem to be caused by package-file downloads.  These are an incorrect format for the game and it appears many are now broken.  Sims3Pack files don't give any problems I'm very happy to say.  If you're having problems with the patch, ditch anything in 'package' format and you should be fine." \:D

meninaasexyNov 20, 2009

Hello, for nothing! \:D

Jennifer_RNov 20, 2009

Hey Alasdair \:\) Thanks so much for your wonderful comments on the finale of my story. I actually got quite sad when I was writing it last week. I did try to end it on a happy note though. Are you getting the new EP? I got mine on Thurs and so far I love it! I've only explored France though so Egypt and China are next. Love you new lot 'The Glass House'. Great job on the decor inside. My favourite room is the main bedroom in yellow! Yellow is one of my favorite colours. I've finally created a lot that I will upload. One of the rooms has a yellow theme to it but I still need to test it with a sim. Have a great weekend! ~ Jen \;\)

alolengNov 20, 2009

Hi Caz, can I bother you for another lame question of mine. I'm trying to find my 'unread' comment and I can't seem to find where it is. It kept on saying that I have 1 unread comment but my screenshot, submission and blog posts tab says that everything was already read. I have also checked my upcoming item and it says 0 comment.Is there anyway you can find where would this 1 unread message be? \:o

paramitiNov 20, 2009

am sorry for my haste ..but have to work today...please read past the first page of this thread..the first page is not much..but beyond that it gets very Ugly..i dont think you should upgrade to the new least read some of this thread first .it seems a Major Disaster... hope you are later \:D

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