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Writer's Block Sucks!


Trying to finish off the very last chapter of 'Escape from Paradise' but have hit a bit of a block with it. I remember reading somewhere that 'writer's block doesn't exist, it's merely the inability to make decisions' but I tell you there are no decisions that can be made, hence why I've gotten stuck. So if anyone has ANY ideas at all for that story I BEG you to let me know, I really have no idea where to go with it.

As for my other story 'Good Vs. Evil' I know exactly where it's going thanks to a weird dream I had about it. It's going to be EXTRA long, and i'm thinking about making adding more to the story after I've finished it. Just like short stories with Dan and Henry, you know the bad guy plots something the good guy foils the plans and the world is saved, short stories like that. Let me know what you think.

I've also got my Tomb Raider story that I should really publish soon. The whole first 4 chapters are sitting on tsr, waiting to be submitted. I just want to finish and publish my current stories before I add more.

Oh i'm also thinking of writing up a legacy. I've been playing a legacy family at the moment, with Dastan as my main and favourite character. He's awsum! It's so fun when you play with just one sim for a while, you grow quite attached to them. Although I do find that it's not always a good thing. Because I start to think oh, he's getting old, he's been working on his career for a while now I think it's time he settled down and had a family. Then I try to find him a wife, and he meets some pretty girls, but once he starts dating them and the relationship gets high enough for him to propose I find the girl starting to get annoying, so he breaks up with her. He's gone through a lot of girlfriends. He had a baby with one of them, because of a hack I installed and I didn't realise she was pregnant. I let her have the baby though, because well, there wasn't really much of a choice. After the baby she became less annoying but I didn't want her to marry Dastan, and I don't think he wanted to marry her. They didn't have very high chemistry and whenever he kissed her or hugged her, he would screw up his face. Does that happen to anybody else?? I did find Dastan a wife however, I uploaded a snapshot of her. But it was really cute, he really liked her and she wasn't annoying. He kept making goo goo eyes at her, and he kept doing that swoon thing with a thought bubble of her above his head. He didn't do that with any of his previous girlfriends. Oh yeah, I've totally gone off track. I think I'll make it into a tsr story, although I've kind of said all the main plot elements. Nonetheless I think I will eventually. After all these other stories are finished.

I think I've got far too many stories ideas, I've got the two i'm actually writing at the moment (Escape from Paradise and Good Vs. Evil) I've got the story that's already written I just have to take snapshots for (Tomb Raider) and there's the legacy story I want to write about Dastan. Also an alien military conspiracy style story that I've started to write. Not to mention a post-apocolyptic story I'm thinking about starting and another about a guy on a day a disaster takes place and everytime the disaster happens the day restarts itself, so at the start of the day he knows what's going to happen and he keeps trying to save the world but every time it ends with it's destruction and he goes back to the start of that day again and tries to convice people what's going to happen but nobody will listen to him. I got the idea from COD, because I was playing it and I got ambushed and I had to get to the landing zone, but no matter what way I tried to head I kept dying then I would get respawned back at the start. So tell me what you think about my restarting day disarster idea, if it sounds worth making.

happyvirus1234 ∙ Jul 23, 2010

why wont it let me download anythingggg??? \:\( \:\( \:confused\: \:wacko\:

Mangio ∙ Apr 29, 2010

well \:wub\: gawd being half asleep i can barely remember what i just read minutes ago, but i do want to read everything :P

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