crip_tic (3107109)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (8 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Blueberry Beach Hut
Published Jul 30, 2013
About Me
Hello, I'm a 30 something business woman, wife, wheelchair user and bit of a geek. I love anything Mac related and especially my iPhone. I only found the Sims from the Sims3 so I'm a newbie who loves to build. I'd love to design more but can't get the software for Mac.
I spend most of my time on the computer working (*cough gaming) and occasionally go out to train social workers as my work requires!
I have a loving hubby and three guinea pigs - my two sim wishes are to have disabled Sims to make life more representative and of course pets (i.e. guinea pigs)!!
I love fantasy houses and victorian landscapes.
My Latest Updates Show All
Coming Soon - fancy living in a Snowflake or Pumpkin?Written Sep 30, 2010
Novelty shaped houses for festival fun or a spooky place to live... ...More
Victorian Palm HouseWritten Aug 05, 2010
A favourite place to go in the UK is the Victorian Palm Houses - I'm making one to upload complete with butterflies and other activities for the ladies and men of leisure!! Another few weeks and I should have my first attempt ready. ...More
My Guestbook Show All
CanellineJun 10, 2012
Hello Crip, thank you so much for your nice comment on my Future Artistic Vision set . Have a nice Sunday .
matomibotakiMar 14, 2012
MB-FakeConstructionUltima1 - thank you so much for your nice comment, very appreciated to read it! Have a wonderful time!!!
DOTFeb 19, 2012
Hi Thank you so much for the nice comment on my Screens I'm happy if I could help to keep the birds rounded up