cruinne (1139528)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (60 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Tattoos: Homeward Bound, yet...
Published Aug 15, 2010
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (198 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Astoria Place
Published Feb 2, 2009
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About Me
I've been enjoying making patterns and lots for Sims 3, and I'm very much looking forward to seeing more tools for better custom content!
My Latest Updates Show All
Decision MadeWritten Jun 08, 2010
With a $20 gift certificate from EA and World Adventures dropping to $19.99 this past week, the decision was pretty much made for me. Ah well, I always liked getting the expansions "in order" anyways. So now I'm dreadfully late ooing and ahhhing over WA , but I have to say I've enjoyed it. I didn't like Bon Voyage that much for Sims 2, but the WA pack is... ...More
In and OutWritten Jun 02, 2010
I know I've not been here much -- and my excuse for that is not so very good either. I went and made the "mistake" of downloading the Eidos Collector Pack from Steam around Christmastime. With well over twenty new games dumped in my lap all at once -- from Thief to Hitman , and from Deus Ex to Mini Ninjas -- my free time has been amply filled. But I can never resist... ...More
Things I've Learned About Sims 3Written Jun 23, 2009
I have to say that in coming from Sims 2, I had a lot of expectations about things that didn't really play out quite that way. If you're a Sims 2 player moving to Sims 3, you've got to look at it with new eyes, so to speak, because there are things that are just different but might easily missed when working from Sims 2 expectations. Here's some of the stuff I discovered so far!... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
shelwassJan 03, 2011
Thanks so much for creating the Tattoo Tutorial! I FINALLY created some correctly thanks to you!
DOTSep 24, 2010
Hi hi Thank you for commenting on the Candle Set. Light obsessed made me giggle! Thank you
dsrhnryAug 16, 2010
I wanted to stop by and say hello. I've very much enjoyed looking at all your creations, and you are very talented. You take a lot of time on detail which makes your creations look so awesome. have a wonderful weekend. or whats left of it, have a great week too.