debitcard's Blog
Finished at last!
I finally have my latest house finished. I've been working on it for some time now - between other houses. It has a unique floor plan, large rooms, basement games room, a very large kitchen and 3 spacious bedrooms. I hope you like it. I am also just finishing up a Mediterranean style house and a modern home.
Latest poll
On my latest poll I was trying to see if people would like to see different elevations on some houses that I build (won't be every house) I get the idea some people like certain styles and this way, there will be more choice or something for everyone by having 2 different elevations.Anyway, here were the results:
Question: Would you like to see alternative elevations to my houses? (see blog entry)
Yes 79.13% (91)
No 19.13% (22)
Question: If so, What would be your first choice:
Modern/Contemporary 34.78% (40)
Mediterranean 14.78% (17)
European/Rustic 18.26% (21)
Traditional 9.57% (11)
Country 2.61% (3)
Surprise Me 16.52% (19)
Question: And your second choice:
Modern/Contemporary 17.39% (20)
Mediterranean 20% (23)
European/Rustic 18.26% (21)
Traditional 14.78% (17)
Country 6.09% (7)
Surprise Me 20% (23)
Alternative Elevations
Hi, What I'm trying to find out with my latest poll (see my poll on my main page) is would you like to see an alternative exterior elevation to some of my houses - some people might not like a certain style, therefore there would be an alternative. I would also modify the floor plan a bit to blend with the exterior. For example, I would build a traditional estate and make a modern elevation of the same house with a more open-concept interior, Yet it would be the same house.Let me know what you think, either vote in the poll or leave any comments here.
Latest Poll:
On my latest poll, I was trying to get a feel if people were happy with my lots...I was kind of disappointed with the results. Obviously my lots aren't up to par. Hmmmm, This could be an easy fix:)Here are the results:
Question: Do I submit enough? (Avg. 2-3 lots a month)
Yes 85.19% (46)
No 14.81% (8)
Question: Do you play every house you download?
Yes 46.3% (25)
No 53.7% (29)
Question: For the lots you don't play, why is that? (check all that apply)
Didn't like the house 9.26% (5)
Too small 12.96% (7)
downloaded for inspiration 29.63% (16)
Too big 33.33% (18)
Not my style 18.52% (10)
Nice house- bad floorplan 33.33% (18)
Question: On average, what percentage of my lots meet expectations?
0-25% 5.56% (3)
25-50% 16.67% (9)
50-75% 40.74% (22)
75-100% 33.33% (18)
Thanks again for all the input.
Away for a month.
I am in the process of moving to a new area - selling my house and looking for a new one. Right now I am so busy with that, amongst other stuff...I just don't have the time to create for Sims. So I am taking a month off to deal with all this.I will check my comments and pop into the forums from time to time, and I should be fully back on track here by the end of July or first week in August.
My Forum.
Come check out my forum "debitcard's ATM" in the FA Discussions. Pop in to say hi, ask advice or what ever! I would love to chat with all of you and meet everyone! I hope to see you there...Here is the link:
Featured Artist!
I guess by now you all heard the great news...WOW, I'm still lost for words!Me...A Featured Artist, and I couldn't have did it without the support from my downloaders, TSR staff & the many friends I've met on this site, which made me strive to build better & better lots for all of you to enjoy. My lots have been a big success for me on this site. I owe a big thanks to Tiko (Andy) who taught me everything I know about CFE building, among other cheats! And the inspiration of Cyclonesue's castles & rustic houses...I look forward into creating even better and unique homes for your Sims as a FA!
Again, Thank you for giving me this opportunity. This is a great site, and there is a lot of nice people here...To help out, share ideas, team build, or just for some friendly chat.
That's it for now - I'll see you around...
Sneek Peek
Here is a little taste for those who like old style homes...This house will give a new meaning to comfortable living - Coming in May.
Here it is...
I've had many comments about when I was going to build my Mediterranean estates on the beach lots...So here it is. When I built this house, I was inspired by an actual beach villa in Palm Beach. It was designed by Maurice Fatio in 1929. I really liked the cottage look, yet it boasts palatial feel to the home. What I designed is not an ultra big house (only 3 bedrooms), but the rooms are big and your Sims can move around at ease. The backyard is highly detailed since your Sims will be spending most of their time back there. There is no CC. to this home, so it will be available to everyone! I've been testing this house and I really think your going to love it, I do!! Look for it early April...I hope you will like it to!
Didn't make the cut.
I find there is a lack of interest in chateau style homes. So I decided to discontinue building the following houses.(see pics at the end of this post) The first one, I just totally lost interest in. I now have a stockpile of at least 20-25 of reject houses that just didn't make the cut! I've been finding myself with bad cases of builders block lately and I just can't produce houses as quickly anymore or even inspired to build in that mater lately...I'm starting to ponder my future here at TSR. Anyway, I won't go there just yet! I'm still working on some clothes - things are starting to look good there! My last house for my 'Grand Estate Collection' will soon be ready. I would like to finish up that series.